Pubdate: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 Source: Oklahoman, The (OK) Copyright: 2005 The Oklahoma Publishing Co. Contact: Details: COMMITTEE DELAYS DRUG AGENCY BILL Action on a bill to give state narcotics investigators access to Oklahoma Tax Commission records was delayed Thursday by the House Corrections and Criminal Justice Committee. The state Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs is seeking the ability to subpoena state tax forms filed by people under investigation. "We're asking to be able to access that information and then use it during prosecution," said Scott Rowland, attorney for the state Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Bill author Rep. John Nance, R-Bethany, agreed to delay a vote in the committee so more work can be done on the measure. Several committee members were concerned about releasing tax filings. "There are some real good filters to ensure this wouldn't be a fishing expedition," said Nance, a former agent for the Internal Revenue Service. House Bill 1321 would add to the 25 confidentiality exceptions for state tax forms, said Tony Mastin, director of tax policy and research at the Oklahoma Tax Commission. Mastin said he fears a "chilling effect" such a law could have on people filing tax returns. Right now, tax returns are only available in prosecutions on violations of tax laws, he said. "We are concerned about the erosion of that confidentiality," Mastin said. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin