Pubdate: Fri, 11 Feb 2005
Source: Surrey Leader (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 Surrey Leader
Author: Kevin Diakiw
Bookmark: (Methadone)


What Is Methadone? And Why Do People Use It?

Those were some of the questions asked at a forum hosted Tuesday by the 
Whalley Business Improvement Association (BIA).

President Pete Nichols said the forum's goal was to educate area residents 
and businesses on the drug, which he says is surrounded by "myth."

Methadone is used to assist heroin addicts in getting off their harmful 
habit, and staying off.

The well-established programs have come under fire in this city, primarily 
over street sales of the drug, and the number of methadone dispensaries 
which have located in the area over the past several years. Some believe 
the outlets attract more addicts to the community, with associated problems.

"Before you can discuss or condemn, you have to know the real facts behind 
it," Nichols said Monday. "There's a lot of functioning methadone patients 
out there ... but as soon as the word methadone comes up, some people close 
their mind."

The forum consisted of panel presentations from pharmacy representatives, 
doctors, methadone patients and addictions specialists. Surrey Coun. 
Barbara Steele attended and said it was an eye-opening experience.

She was particularly impressed by two methadone patients who said the 
treatment was necessary for them to continue functioning.

"It spoke highly of the methadone program, it spoke well of what it can 
do," Steele said. "Everybody was convinced it's a really good program (but) 
it's only a good program if it's not misused."
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