Pubdate: Thu, 17 Feb 2005
Source: Essex Chronicle (UK)
Copyright: 2005 Quicksilver Media
Author: John Peachey
Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)
Cited: legalise Cannabis Alliance


Veteran cannabis campaigner Don Barnard is to stand against the Home 
Secretary at the next general election. Don, who recently moved to Witham, 
hopes that by contesting Charles Clarke's seat in Norwich South, he will 
stimulate interest in the possibility of legalising the drug.

As a representative of the Legalise Cannabis Alliance, Don said: "Mr Clarke 
has refused to discuss cannabis as an election issue, so I want to give it 
the prominence it deserves and get it debated.

"I want people to know the facts so that they can think critically, and 
exercise sound judgement based on facts rather than rely on chat show hosts 
and media hype."

In the past decade there had been a limited debate on allowing personal use 
and creating a legal regulated supply, but with no clear answers, he said.

"I want people to form opinions as to what the legislator has in mind when 
they resort to punishment for cannabis offences.

"At the moment the general public is confused and insufficiently informed."

The Home Secretary, he claimed, had said he has no respect for the legalise 
cannabis argument.

"I don't have all the answers, but I do know that talking about the issues 
will help solve the problems," said Don.

"We will supply the facts and let the electorate come to a consensus on how 
they think we can control cannabis. "The primary question is whether we can 
justify punishing people for cannabis possession or for growing a few 
plants when clearly no one benefits from the prosecutions.

"We believe current legislation has been counter-productive in its side 
effects, wasted public resources and been inhumane.

"Legalising it would reduce crime, promote education about its use, create 
therapeutic support, generate new public income and release police 
resources," he said.
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