Pubdate: Fri, 18 Feb 2005
Source: Cayman Net News (Cayman Island)
Address: 85 North Sound Road, P. O. Box 10707, Alissta Towers, Grand 
Cayman, Cayman Island BWI
Fax: (345) 949-0679
Copyright: 2005 Cayman Net Ltd
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Several female police officers from the Royal Cayman Islands Police 
Service, (RCIPS), are among those involved in the Drug Abuse Resistance 
Education programme (DARE), where over 600 of the country's students are 
taught to say no to drugs.

Among the first female tutors are WPC Fran General and Media Relations 
Officer Kafara Augustine. All the tutors received professional training 
abroad and have received certification.

Ms Augustine told Cayman Net News that the objective of the 10-week course 
is to sensitize the children of the danger of illegal drugs, drug abuse and 
peer pressure as well as to assist them in decision-making skills.

"The students are taught facts about tobacco, marijuana and alcohol and at 
the end of the program they will be asked to write an essay outlining what 
they have learnt," explained Ms Augustine.

She added that it is more rewarding to teach the youngsters of the danger 
of drugs than having to arrest them when they get older. Drug abuse is 
reported to have negative effects on society including the health system 
where large sums of money are spent on rehabilitation and counselling.

Abuse of illegal substances has also been blamed for the disintegration of 
the family structure and has even placed a burden on the prison system, 
through young offenders.

All year six students from Government and private schools are participating 
in the programme. The DARE programme is internationally recognized and 
taught in several countries around the world as a preventative measure. It 
is however locally funded by members of the private sector. 
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