Pubdate: Fri, 18 Feb 2005
Source: Daily Democrat (CA)
Contact:  2005, Daily Democrat
Author: John Lindblom
Bookmark: (Cannabis - California)


UPPER LAKE - Dennis Perron, co-author of the law that made medical 
marijuana legal in California, said Wednesday he believes Upper Lake 
medical marijuana grower Eddy Lepp has put his life in jeopardy by openly 
combating federal and local law enforcement officials.

"They're out to get him, obviously," said Perron from his home in the East 
Bay when told that Lepp had been arrested for a third time early Wednesday 
morning during a raid by a team of federal Drug Enforcement Administration 
officers and Lake, Sonoma, and Mendocino county officials.

Until Wednesday, Lepp was free on bail, pending his trial in federal court 
for charges stemming from an August 2004 raid of his Upper Lake property. 
"They're going to kill him,"   Perron said repeatedly of Lepp. "I don't 
know if he wants to be a martyr, but he has set himself up as one." Perron, 
who in 1996 joined in writing state Proposition 215, "The Compassionate Use 
Act" making marijuana (cannabis) legal in California as a treatment for 
illnesses ranging from cancer to migraine headaches, said he recently 
pulled back from the battle over legalizing marijuana.

The reason he gives is the increased intensity he says federal and local 
law enforcement officials have added to the fight of keeping marijuana 
illegal to keep their jobs.

"Let's get real, the whole war is on marijuana," he said. "It's not a war 
on drugs - heroin and all that. Very few people use that stuff." Perron 
likened the DEA's   war on marijuana to Elliott Ness's Prohibition-era 
campaigns to eradicate illegal liquor.

"It's a worldwide global industry to wipe out marijuana, bigger than anyone 
can dream of," he said. "I don't think the state is involved; it's 
obviously the feds, because these (DEA) agents ... what do you think they 
make? They start out at fifty thou and go up from there.
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