Pubdate: Fri, 04 Mar 2005
Source: Daily Herald-Tribune, The (CN AB)
Copyright: 2005 The Daily Herald-Tribune
Author: Kristy Lesh, Herald-Tribune staff
Bookmark: (Rochfort Bridge)
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


The Grande Prairie RCMP detachment is mourning the loss of four
members of its extended family today.

Flags are at half mast and the building is quiet as officers try to
come to grips with what unfolded Thursday on an acreage near Rochfort

"There's been a lot of sadness and sorrow and disbelief that so many
of our officers were killed at one time," said an emotional Cpl. Brent
Mundle of the Grande Prairie RCMP.

Four RCMP officers were killed when gunfire erupted while officers
executed a search warrant for stolen property and a marijuana grow
operation. The suspect was also found dead.

"I think there's a certain amount of danger that we accept with our
day-to-day duties," said Mundle. "Unfortunately this event unfolded
like it did."

Although Mundle hasn't been notified who all the deceased RCMP are, he
said it is likely many Grande Prairie members may have worked on
investigations or attended training with some of the fallen officers.

"The RCMP is like an extended family and a lot of the members within
the district and the province do know each other," said Mundle.

Members from the Grande Prairie detachment were called out to assist
yesterday afternoon.

"We sent approximately 10 officers to assist with the policing of the
community in Mayerthorpe," said Mundle, adding he doesn't know how
long officers will remain in Mayerthorpe assisting with day-to-day

Grande Prairie has only had one on-duty death of an RCMP member. In
1967, Cpl. Archie Harvey was shot and killed responding to what he
thought was a domestic dispute.

As two officers arrived at the Bear Creek flats home they were
ambushed by Leonard Otto Borg, who had been waiting by the window with
a rifle. Harvey was shot in the chest and another officer was able to
take cover and return fire until the suspect surrendered.

Borg was convicted of killing the officer and RCMP also of strangling
his common-law wife 12-hours earlier.

He died of cancer in prison several years later. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake