Pubdate: Thu, 04 Mar 2004
Source: Otago Daily Times (New Zealand)
Copyright: 2004 Allied Press Limited
Author: NZPA
Bookmark: (Cannabis)

Judge Queries Value Of Aerial Drug Recovery

Nelson: A judge has questioned the value of an aerial cannabis recovery 
operation after Patrick Thomas McMahon (41) pleaded guilty in the Nelson 
District Court this week to possessing one 60cm plant.

Prosecutor Sergeant Wayne Johnston said the plant was found on McMahon's 
property following a police aerial search for cannabis in the Collingwood 
area in January.

Judge Mike Behrans expressed surprise that police went to such extremes to 
find one "lonely" plant.

"I'm assuming this plant was seen from the air. How much did it cost the 
state to find that plant?"

Mr Johnston assured Judge Behrens the aerial operation was a success.

"Plenty of other plants" had been found, he said.

McMahon was fined $300.
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager