Pubdate: Fri, 11 Mar 2005
Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2005, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Zen Ruryk, City Hall Bureau Chief
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


T.O. Called A Haven For Growers

A TORONTO councillor vows to revive efforts to arm the police with a 
helicopter in order to help investigators to pull the plug on marijuana 
grow-ops. Michael Thompson said yesterday the police need a helicopter 
equipped with infrared technology to spot homes that criminals use to grow pot.

"This is one way for them to be able to detect whether or not there is 
excessive heat that is being utilized typically for hydroponic grow-op 
equipment and so on," said Thompson.

The lack of an infrared-equipped helicopter raises concerns that Toronto is 
getting a reputation as a safe place for indoor grow-ops, according to a 
report from former chief Julian Fantino.

Thompson said yesterday that he will present arguments for a helicopter as 
city councillors work on next year's budget, which will be finalized early 
in 2006.

He added that if the city can't afford a chopper, councillors may want to 
try to strike an agreement to share a chopper with a police force that has one.

Copter Controversy

The need to equip the Toronto force with a helicopter has been a point of 
controversy at City Hall in the past.

A city auditor's report on the police force's six-month pilot helicopter 
project, which ended in January 2001, showed 87% of residents surveyed 
supported the helicopters despite the program's cost of $2.1 million a year.

The auditor said some residents found the Bell Jet Rangers "noisy and 
intrusive" and suggested less expensive alternatives, including sharing one 
with another force.
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