Pubdate: Mon, 14 Mar 2005
Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2005, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Tom Godfrey, Toronto Sun
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


U.S. BORDER agents say they're seizing record amounts of Canadian pot being 
transported across the border and are escalating their war against 
organized smugglers. Agents say they're taking a tougher line against 
marijuana smugglers following the slaying of four RCMP officers in Alberta, 
who were killed at a grow-op site.

U.S. officers said they weren't taking chances when they chased a Canadian 
truck driver last Thursday after he ran a port near Sumas, Wash. The man 
was charged for smuggling 142 kilos of weed, worth $1.6 million.

Moved Base

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers said some smugglers have 
shifted their bases from B.C.-Washington State to Buffalo-area border 
crossings, where they claim there's less police heat.

"We have seen a shift in smuggling from the Washington area to areas in the 
east," Customs spokesman Michael Milne said.

About 4,600 kilos of weed were seized at Buffalo-area crossings last year, 
compared to 3,900 in the Washington area, where up to 7,200 kilos were 
seized in the past.
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