Pubdate: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 Source: Canmore Leader (CN AB) Copyright: 2005 Canmore Leader Contact: Details: Author: Adam Goring Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) STRICTER POT LAWS WILL BRING MORE SENSELESS VIOLENCE Anyone who thinks that the death of four Mounties near Mayerthorpe isn't a reason to take steps towards legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana has their head in a certain malodorous place. Conservatives say the way to solve this problem would be to step up penalties and lock growers and sellers away, for longer sentences. This reminds me of the average American Joe interviewed on television following 9/11; something to the tune of: "I say we go over to Iraq and we bomb the crap out of them." People should not make decisions clouded by emotion, or without fully understanding the situation at hand. But, have it your way and picture this: now the penalties for marijuana and drugs like cocaine are on par. The availability of marijuana becomes scarce, as street value skyrockets. All of a sudden it's even more profitable for criminals, dangerous ones, to be in the business. The pot industry falls deeper into the depths of gangland, and the James Roszkos of the world are at the helm. All of a sudden growers facing imprisonment are even more willing to kill. Besides that, the issue isn't that four RCMP officers died because of marijuana, the issue is that a known lunatic was on the loose, in the possession of illegal firearms. And, at the end of the day, four good-intentioned people with brothers, sisters, fathers and daughters had to die fighting something that we're told doesn't kill in the first place. Look out right-wingers, the Liberals aren't looking so bad in my books. They seem to know better how to deal with issues like this, and like you guessed it, gay marriage. Though I'm not religious, treating people (yes, that includes homosexual people) with equality is important to me. Congrats to Bow Valley columnist Patrick La Montagne for nailing that one on the head recently. And, though I'm not married, I know that 'marriage' is a word, and a marriage is what you make of it, not what you call it. Let's stop wasting time, money and energy on useless issues like this one, and focus on the important ones, like the judicial system or the environment. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth