Pubdate: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 Source: Tribune, The (CN ON) Copyright: 2005, Osprey Media Group Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Greg Furminger, Tribune Staff Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) POT HAUL PRUNED TO 4,028 PLANTS WAINFLEET - It's still in the millions, but estimates on the street value of marijuana discovered in Wainfleet during an early Tuesday morning greenhouse fire aren't as high as initially reported by police, who are now seeking tips as they hunt for suspects. Members of the Niagara Regional Police Morality unit were expected to have concluded their on-site investigation late Thursday at 53634 Highway 3. It's the site of a defunct English cucumber growing business started in 2003, which still bears the sign MKJ Greenhouses out front. After a lengthy forensics examination and detailed inventory of the grow-op some 6.5 kilometres west of Chambers Corners, media relations unit Const. Sal Basilone said the exact number of pot plants seized is 4,028, in various stages of growth and worth in excess of $4 million. Police initially reported between 5,000 and 7,000 plants had been discovered, worth between $5 million and $7 million, although Toronto television first reported the sum as high as $35 million. Despite the revisions, police are suggesting Tuesday's marijuana find is the largest in Niagara's history. With the exception of samples sent for lab testing, all the marijuana has been buried in an undisclosed landfill rather than being incinerated. Basilone on Thursday was able also to report the value of growing equipment used in the elaborate operation is an estimated $320,000, including one $20,000 generator. The equipment has been placed in secure police storage pending court authorization for destruction. Because they may be unsafe due to possible modifications, the grow lights, ballasts, water pumps, cooling fans, diesel generators and a watering system cannot be sold. No one has yet been charged in connection with the grow-op. "We're looking for tips," Basilone said, but police still are unable to provide suspect details. It's believed a two-storey farmhouse on the property had been rented since last November. Police are trying to locate the tenants. Police were tipped to the marijuana factory after firefighters responded to a 2:14 a.m. fire sparked by an electrical short in a generator and called in by a passing truck driver. Anyone who has information about the marijuana production or persons connected to the illegal operation are asked to call the regional police morality unit at 905-735-7811 ext. 5300 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS. Crime Stoppers does not require callers to leave their names, nor does the tip line does not subscribe to call display. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth