Pubdate: Mon, 21 Mar 2005
Source: Manila Times (Philippines)
Copyright: 2005, The Manila Times
Author: Ronnie E. Calumpita
Cited: Philippine Dangerous Drugs Board
Cited: Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


THE technical working group (TWG) of the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB)
has recommended the classification of ketamine and three other drugs
and chemicals as dangerous.

The DDB assistant secretary Rommel Garcia, chair of the TWG drug
classification and declassification, said that ketamine, ephedrine and
pseudo ephedrine were declared dangerous drugs; while thionyl chloride
is considered as essential chemical.

"The technical working group had just made a resolution that
recommends these drugs and substances as dangerous," he told The Times
in a telephone interview. The classification, however, needs the
approval of the Interior and Local Government secretary and DDB chair,
Angelo T. Reyes.

Once approved, the sale and use of these drugs and chemicals will be
regulated by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), which is
mandated to enforce Republic Act 9165, the Comprehensive Dangerous
Drugs Act of 2002.

Ephedrine and pseudo ephedrine are considered precursors or raw
materials in manufacturing methamphetamine hydrochloride, or shabu;
thionyl chloride is labeled as a special chemical because it's an
ingredient for making shabu.

Ephedrine is a drug used in relieving fever, asthma and nasal
congestion; ketamine is a common sedative used by veterinarians for
pet animals to tranquilize them but is said to be slowly becoming a
major drug abuse in the Philippines.

"Other countries like Hong Kong, Singapore and China have declared it
[ketamine] as a dangerous drug because the use of it is being abused,"
Garcia said.

"In the Philippines, it is being abused though in little

Since it is not classified as a dangerous drug and a precursor
chemical, the PDEA said it can be bought openly and freely, even
without prescription.

Besides ketamine and the other three drugs and chemicals, the PDEA had
asked the DDB to include ephedrine as a dangerous drugs, but the
TWG-composed of the other government agencies like the Departments of
Health, of Justice, of Education and of Social Welfare and Development
and the National Bureau of Investigation, which also comprise the
DDB-did not include it.

Garcia said many opposed the idea during last Tuesday's final public
hearing also attended by representatives of the Philippine Medical
Association, the Philippine Association of Pharmacists and
pharmaceutical companies, because ephedrine has many components as
medication for cough and cold and other respiratory problems.

But Garcia said ephedrine will still be subjected for "further
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