Pubdate: Wed, 23 Mar 2005
Source: Charleston Gazette (WV)
Copyright: 2005 Charleston Gazette
Note: Source rarely prints LTEs received from outside its circulation area
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Why So Many Prisons

AMERICA is tainted by its horrendous rate of prisoners locked in cells. 
This nation jails about six times more people per capita than do Canada, 
England, Mexico and other countries.

The United States has 2.1 million citizens in steel cages. Since it costs 
about $22,000 to hold each convict annually, taxpayers must cough up $40 
billion-plus per year for incarceration.

California spends more for prisons than for higher education. Texas is the 
lock-"em-up capital, with more prisons than any other state. Texas has 
built 100 new prisons since 1980.

Why is America the world's biggest stockade? Are Americans six times more 
criminal than people in Canada, England, Mexico, etc.? Of course not. The 
disgraceful U.S. lockup rate may come from harsh, judgmental, unforgiving 
attitudes inherited from Puritan founders. Vast numbers of Americans are 
locked up for drugs. Other societies are more tolerant of addicts, but not 

Last month, a study by the state Council of Churches and two other 
humanitarian groups -- plus a second study by the Criminal Justice Analysis 
Center -- showed that the number of West Virginians in cells skyrocketed 
from 2,300 to more than 5,000 in the past decade. Taxpayer costs likewise 

The Legislature, desperate to find enough revenue to run the state 
government, is jarred by the soaring lockup tab. Meanwhile, county 
commissions are wracked by the cost of keeping defendants in regional 
jails. Last year, Kanawha's expense was $3.1 million.

Now, Kanawha commissioners see a way to reduce the incarceration burden. 
They want to put nonviolent offenders on probation -- leaving them free to 
hold jobs -- and make them report to a center where they'll get drug 
counseling, GED classes, career help and the like.

The commission already has hired a director for the day reporting center, 
and is applying for a state grant to employ counselors and officers. Freed 
offenders would be charged perhaps $150 a month to help pay for the 
liberating system. Any who slipped back into dope or crime would lose their 
freedom, joining the multitude in cells.

Bravo. We think this is a splendid plan, and we hope the state grant is 
obtained. In fact, we hope the whole country utilizes such alternative 
sentences to the greatest degree possible. Anything that reduces the 
grotesque rate of Americans in steel cages will be a blessing.
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MAP posted-by: Beth