Pubdate: Tue, 22 Mar 2005
Source: Peace Arch News (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 Peace Arch News
Author: Tracy Holmes


White Rock RCMP are again advising residents to beware of scams, after
a complaint about an ad seeking marijuana growers.

Const. Raina Siou said last week she is investigating a classified ad
which appeared in The Peace Arch News. It read: 'PARTI Marijuana
Party. Seeking electoral candidates in every district to operate
Medicinal Cannabis Home Delivery. Will train growers for patients.
Highest quality. Lowest Price.' It included a Cloverdale phone number.

Siou said the complainant contacted the advertiser because he was
interested in becoming a grower for a friend who uses medicinal marijuana.

The man asked the caller to meet him at a Langley pub, said he worked
for a government office, bought him a beer, and said he could set him
up within three days with a licence to grow marijuana.

All for $2,500.

"The guy only gives his first name," Siou said.

"(The advertiser) has called this kid back four times in 24 hours. You
wouldn't be this desperate if you were legitimate. Don't fall prey to

Health Canada's Marijuana Medical Access Regulations, implemented in
2001, allow access to marijuana by people suffering from grave and
debilitating illness.

The regulations encompass authorizations to possess marijuana for
medical purposes, and licences to produce it.

People can receive, through an application process, permission to get
medical marijuana from government, to grow it for personal use, or to
name someone to grow the drug for them.

The Office of Cannabis Medical Access said, as of Jan. 7, 773 people
in Canada are permitted medical marijuana. Another 552 can grow it for
personal use, or for one other person.

The only contract for mass production is held by Flin Flon, Man.-based
Prairie Plant Systems, Inc.

"Under the current legislation, no individual is licensed to supply
marijuana other than those authorized to grow it for another person,"
Health Canada's Catherine Saunders said Thursday.

And only government can grant that authorization, she

While the Marijuana Party of B.C. did not place the ad, party campaign
manager Kirk Tausaw praised it for promoting the issue.

"I'd applaud any effort to get people active in helping the sick or
getting involved in the political system," he said.

The party is hoping to field candidates in all 79 ridings in B.C.'s
May election.

He confirmed the party did run a recent classified ad seeking
potential candidates.

"It doesn't say anything about medicinal marijuana," Tausaw said. Nor
does the text in an upcoming display ad that will run in 70 newspapers
mention medical marijuana.

A potential candidate for Surrey-White Rock has surfaced, but has not
yet filed nomination papers. Tausaw would not reveal the person's name.

Saunders told police this is the first such scam reported in B.C.,
although similar complaints have been reported in Ontario.

In response to another complaint, Siou said RCMP are not soliciting
for funds to keep children and youth off the street, help the
underprivileged, or to support a fight to change legislation to keep
those who commit offences against children in prison longer.

Siou said a woman called Friday to report persistent calls looking for
donations to the cause.

It, too, is not legitimate.
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MAP posted-by: Derek