Pubdate: Fri, 25 Mar 2005
Source: DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Section: Feature Article
Note: by Drug Policy Alliance -
Related: City of Flint website
Bookmark: (Raves)


Early Sunday the 20th, a police raid on a Flint, Michigan nightclub left 
law-abiding patrons paying for the crimes of a few. After undercover 
officers bought drugs from several patrons of the club, local police 
decided to raid Club What's Next at 1:40 AM, blocking the doors and 
handcuffing and searching club-goers. According to reports from at least 
two club-goers, women were stripped and subjected to full cavity searches.

The police made 17 arrests on felony drug charges and at least one hundred 
more, in which, in most cases, the individuals' only offense was 
"frequenting a drug establishment," a misdemeanor offense that will go on 
their record.  People who simply came out to dance, and were searched and 
not found in possession of any drugs, now face 90 days in jail and a $500 
fine. They also face a criminal record with all the legal and social 
barriers that brings. Those charged with "frequenting a drug establishment" 
include a DJ hired to spin records at the club and the owner of a record 
company - both of whom were strip searched and not found in possession of 
any drugs.

"This is abuse of police power pure and simple," said Bill Piper, director 
of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance. "It's un-American to 
punish people for the crimes of others."

According to news reports, a similar raid occurred in Flint in 1999. About 
80 people were arrested that year at a party. Seven people in attendance 
were charged with drug possession, and police wrote about 80 tickets for 
"frequenting a drug establishment."

The controversial raid of Club What's Next is also similar to a 2002 
incident in Racine, Wisconsin. In that case, hundreds of music fans were 
also ticketed for being in a nightclub where a few people used 
drugs.  Those ticketed had no drugs on them and the police did not have any 
evidence that they had ever used drugs. Their only offense was dancing at a 
nightclub where other people who used drugs were arrested.  Although only 
three drug arrests were made, police issued citations to 445 innocent 
attendees with a penalty of $968 each for being "patrons of a disorderly 
house." The Drug Policy Alliance launched a nationwide grassroots campaign 
to raise awareness of the Racine raid and the local ACLU filed a lawsuit. 
The charges were eventually dropped.

Now, the Drug Policy Alliance is working to get music fans locally and 
around the country to contact the Flint city council and mayor. In the 
first twelve hours of the campaign, 1700 people have taken action.  "Every 
voter in Flint, Michigan should realize that this could happen to them," 
said Bill Piper. "Imagine you're having a beer at your favorite bar and the 
police come in and arrest you and everyone else in the bar because unknown 
to you someone is using drugs in the bathroom. It's outrageous."
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake