Pubdate: Tue, 22 Mar 2005
Source: Ladysmith-Chemanius Chronicle (CN BC)
Section: Opinion
Copyright: 2005 BC Newspaper Group & New Media
Author: Constable Beth Blackburn
Bookmark: (Drug Education)


Drug Awareness:

In the runup to the first-ever Drug Education Night in Ladysmith on May 18, 
the Chronicle will be running a series of articles by Const. Beth 
Blackburn, the RCMP drug awareness coordinator for Central Vancouver Island.

On a daily basis phone calls come into my office from parents, educators, 
social workers, probation officers, grandparents and others wanting to know 
how they can help people they care about who have found themselves facing 
issues around drug misuse and abuse.

I am RCMP Const. Beth Blackburn, the drug awareness coordinator for Central 
Vancouver Island. In the next few weeks I will be writing a column to bring 
some of these drug awareness issues to a broader audience.

This first week I thought I should tell you what exactly the RCMP Drug 
Awareness Service actually does and its mandate.

Our mission: RCMP Drug Awareness Service is committed to making communities 
safe and healthy by reducing substance abuse and its related problems.

Our vision: To be leaders in striving for a country free of substance abuse.

Our beliefs: Everyone has the right to live free from substance abuse and 
its effects.

Children are vulnerable and are entitled to our protection. Well-informed 
people strive for a society free of substance abuse.

Substance abuse negatively affects the safety and quality of life in our 
communities. Substance abuse prevention is crime prevention. A balanced 
approach to prevention includes education, enforcement and treatment.

Substance abuse is a barrier to social and self development. Substance 
abusers deserve effective treatment.

We can make a difference through innovative partnerships.

Our commitment (to our communities): Promoting a balanced approach to 
prevention, enforcement and treatment. Providing factual information on 
substance abuse issues. Supporting enforcement initiatives. Encouraging, 
mobilizing and supporting community driven initiatives that reflect our 
mission, vision and beliefs.

I will discuss the following topics in the coming weeks: alcohol abuse, 
prescription drug abuse, crystal meth, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, 
clandestine labs, marijuana grow operations, Drug Abuse Resistance 
Education (DARE) program, Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth 
(PARTY) program, drugs in the workplace, drugs in sports, steroids, drug 
impaired driving, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder just to name a few.

My goal is to give valuable information that the community can use to stay 
safe and healthy by reducing substance abuse.

If you have issues or topics you would like covered in my column please 
contact me at 755-3226.

* Next week: Alcohol abuse and impaired driving.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom