Pubdate: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 Source: Langley Times (CN BC) Copyright: 2005 BC Newspaper Group and New Media Development Contact: Details: Author: David J. Standcumbe WHAT HAVE WE COME TO? Editor: I am simply amazed at all the people that want to legalize, mariuana, heroin and now prostitution (The Times, March 20). So the conclusion we come to is, anything you have difficulty controlling, legalize it. Is that what we in Canada are all about? Despite the many studies showing that "mary jane" is so very harmful and creates an appetite for stronger and more damaging stuff, we still have many shrill voices demanding this. Even our governments have adopted a free heroin program. My goodness, what have we come to? What is needed is a program to get people off these mind-destroying substances, not a way to give them a safe means of indulging their habit. Now we have Mr. John Manos telling us that we should legalize prostitution! What's next? Bestiality and child molestation? I am being facetious, of course. We are quickly breaking down all standards so that anything goes. Of course, we don't call them prostitutes now, but use the politically-correct "sex trade workers," as if it's a job like being a plumber or a carpenter. When a person gets dragged into this lifestyle, they quickly lose all self-esteem. When a person gives their body to be used in this way, there is no respect. God made the sex act to be an act of love between a man and a woman. Anything else is a perversion of its proper use.There is no way but down. To make prostitution a respectable trade is a fallacy of the worst kind. We are seeing a breakdown of law and order on every front, and unless we as a country change our attitudes towards wrongdoing, we are headed for the sewer - just like the Greeks and Romans and Sodom and Gommorah before us. David J. Standcumbe Langley - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin