Pubdate: Sun, 27 Mar 2005
Source: Western Mail (UK)
Copyright: Trinity Mirror Plc 2005
Section: Wales on Sunday


He's the motor-mouth cop who hits the headlines for his outspoken

During five years with North Wales Police, controversial Chief
Constable Richard Brunstrom has called for drugs to be legalised,
campaigned against speeding motorists and labelled homosexuals "queers".

In a frank interview, the top cop tells Marc Baker why he's happy to
be unpopular...

Q. Is North Wales a safer place since you became Chief

A. Yes. The facts speak for themselves. Crime is way down and our
detection rate is just about the best in England and Wales. North
Wales, already a very safe place, is getting safer still. Don't just
take my word for it - we have lower insurance premiums to prove it.
The next big challenge is for us to be as successful in tackling
anti-social behaviour as we have been with crime.

Q. You have been called the "most unpopular policeman in the UK".

A. I am quite happy to be unpopular with those people who seem to
believe that they have a right to ignore speed limits and thereby
endanger us all. I have no intention of backing off.

Q. Do you think you are misunderstood?

A. Yes, frequently. Sensationalist, inaccurate and distorted reports in
the Press do not help.

Q. Do you regret calling for drugs to be legalised?

A. The appalling impact of drugs on our society is plain for all to see
- - but the "war on drugs" is a bad mistake. It cannot be won, and is
actually making the situation worse not better. Most addicts commit
crime merely to get money for drugs - if they had access to legal
drugs there is no doubt at all that crime would fall. The case is
already proved, and I know that there is overwhelming public support
for a new approach. I just wish that more politicians had the courage
to talk openly to the public about drugs. They might get quite a surprise.

Q. There are calls for mandatory drug tests in schools. Are drugs in the
classroom becoming an increasing problem?

A. Sadly, the trade in illegal drugs reaches into every part of our
society - our schools are no exception.

Q. How difficult will it be topolice the hunting ban? What are the
challenges ahead?

A. Whatever your views on hunting, there is one fact upon which we can
all agree - the Hunting Act is a right dog's dinner, and proof that
there are definitely too many lawyers in Parliament.

Q. The BBC2 show Top Gear says you have an "irrational obsession with
persecuting motorists" Do you agree?

A. Top Gear is an embarrassing relic of the Greg Dyke era. I expect more
from the BBC than a "lad's mag" for self-confessed petrol heads. This
is a serious subject, 3,500 people die on our roads every year, about
a third through speeding, which the BBC is treating as a childish
joke. Shame on them.

Q. Are you out of touch with public opinion?

A. I spend much of my life trying to ensure I am in touch - but that
doesn't mean that I'm going to agree with the public on every
occasion. My job is to lead public opinion as much as to follow it.

Q. Is racism in the force a top priority for you to tackle?

A. I'm sad to say that racism is still endemic in our society.
Eradicating it is a top priority for us all - and I'm proud of the
enormous progress made by the police, here in North Wales and elsewhere.

Q. What challenges lie ahead for Richard Brunstrom?

A. I'd like to persuade the Government to let us use fines for crime and
anti-social behaviour to improve local policing. A popular way to
reduce council tax increases?

Q. An increasing number of migrants are flocking to Wales for jobs.
Could increasing levels of immigration lead to a flash-point?

A. Immigration has been a mainstay of the UK's economic growth for
generations, and has immeasurably enriched our cultural life. It is a
tragedy that ignorant British racism has spoiled the picture - but I
live in hope.

Q. Do Anti-Social Behaviour Orders work?

A. ASBOs do work. The Government has got this exactly

Q. Do you support the new anti-terror laws?

A. The prime duty of any government must be the security of the realm -
but the ham-fisted way in which the new anti-terror law has been
handled is not a good advert for Britain. I'm disappointed.

Q. How do you sum up your five years with North Wales Police? What more
needs to be done?

A. North Wales Police is now one of the most successful forces in
England and Wales, and we have loads of evidence to prove it. This did
not happen by accident and I am extremely proud of my officers'
achievements - but it's not enough. There is no doubt at all that the
public want us to tackle anti-social behaviour more vigorously, and to
see more visible policing on our streets. We're on the case.

Q. Is it now time for you to move on?

A. My work in North Wales is not finished. I intend to stay and see it
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin