Pubdate: Wed, 06 Apr 2005
Source: Freeman, The (Philippines)
Copyright: 2005 The Freeman
Author: Fred P. Languido
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Incarceration)


Modern security gadgets are not, after all, a hindrance to Cebu
Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center inmates to smuggle
drugs and other illegal items into the jail.

Newly reinstated consultant on security Byron Garcia discovered that
smuggling of drugs and other illegal items into the provincial jail
became rampant during his brief absence.

A series of surprise inspections inside the jail yielded three sticks
of marijuana, dried leaves of marijuana and tobacco, several packs of
cigarettes, improvised weapons and several drug paraphernalia.

Byron led the inspections last Sunday and Monday after three inmates
were caught on surveillance camera smoking marijuana at the guard
station near the isolation cell on Maunday Thursday.

Incidentally, no jail guards manned the station when the three inmates
where caught on camera.

Governor Gwendolyn Garcia said that acting jail warden Algier
Comendador has not explained why no jail guards manned the station.

The security camera also caught an inmate using a cellular phone
inside the jail facility even if it is prohibited. The cellular phone
was placed in a box to conceal it from jail authorities.

Governor Garcia showed reporters yesterday the confiscated illegal
items, including the five pairs of sleepers and hat, which were used
to hide marijuana sticks and packs of cigarettes. Inmates also used
empty bottles of mineral water as improvised bucket to smuggle illegal

The governor was also surprised to discover that an inmate even
managed to send money to his family for his children's tuition,
wondering how did he raise the money inside the jail.

"We are facing a very old corrupt human opponent," Gwen

The governor believes that some jail guards have connived with the
inmates in smuggling illegal items into the provincial jail, pointing
out that inmates do not have direct physical contact with their
visitors because of the screen barrier.

She said that Comendador is now being investigated for his failure to
prevent the illegal activities at the provincial jail. The governor
also warned other jail personnel to be more efficient to avoid facing

According to the governor, she already warned the 39 jailguards who
were recently reassigned to different district hospitals in the province.

The governor said that there was no anomaly in reinstating Byron to
his position because had it not been for her brother, the illegal
activities at the jail would have not discovered.

Byron went on leave following the allegations by court sheriff Julbert
Opada that he was being threatened by the consultant with summarily
execution inside the jail when he served a court order on the petition
for habeas corpus filed by political detainee Edgardo Sacamay.

Opada also claimed that Byron even challenged him to a gun

A committee investigating the matter, however, cleared Byron for lack
of evidence. 
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