Pubdate: Wed, 13 Apr 2005
Source: New Zealand Press Association (New Zealand Wire)
Copyright: 2005 New Zealand Press Association


The Government has found a way to control nitrous oxide, and from now on it 
will be illegal to sell or buy it to inhale.

Associate Health Minister Jim Anderton said last night nitrous oxide, known 
as laughing gas or nos, was a prescription medicine and therefore could not 
be sold without a prescription.

"Authorities will now be warning individuals it is illegal to sell and buy 
nitrous oxide to inhale," he said in a statement.

"To do so would be an offence which carries a maximum penalty of six months 
in prison or a $1000 fine."

However, Mr Anderton said it would be "probably unfair" to immediately 
start prosecuting people who had not previously known they were acting 

Police and health enforcement officials would initially hand out warnings.

"No doubt there will be an appropriate time from which prosecutions would 
begin should illegal sales continue," Mr Anderton said.

Some city councils asked the Government to take action over the sale of 
nitrous oxide. Taken with other drugs, it gives a brief and dizzying high 
when inhaled. It has been implicated in the deaths of two young men in car 
crashes in Christchurch and Nelson.
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MAP posted-by: Beth