Pubdate: Wed, 20 Apr 2005
Source: BBC News (UK Web)
Copyright: 2005 BBC
Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom)


Tobacco And Cannabis Are Commonly Smoked Together

Campaigners are calling for help to explain the dangers of smoking tobacco 
and cannabis to youngsters' health.

The Scottish Tobacco Control Alliance (STCA) will make the call at its 
first "Fags and Hash" conference on Thursday.

The event will see the foremost experts in Scotland look at the health 
issues related to smoking both substances at the same time.

The STCA says young people tend to be unaware of the dangers inhaling 
tobacco and the class C drug can pose.

The chief executive of ASH Scotland, Maureen Moore, is set to open the 
conference by calling for a more thorough understanding of how tobacco and 
cannabis are used together.

Ahead of the event, she said: "The use of cannabis and tobacco together is 
an issue in Scotland, especially for young people.

"There is evidence that young people are using tobacco and cannabis 
together and that they are unaware of the specific health risks this entails.

"Tobacco is Scotland's biggest preventable cause of death, and the way in 
which it is used with cannabis makes it even more dangerous.

"It is time to reinforce the message that cannabis is not just illegal, it 
is dangerous to health, and its use with tobacco can lead to the lung and 
heart diseases we know kill far too many people in Scotland every year."

'Greater harm'

STCA chairman Brian Pringle said: "Both tobacco and cannabis are dangerous 
to health and the way in which they are used together increases these risks.

"People who smoke cannabis can find themselves subsequently addicted to the 
nicotine in tobacco.

"The habit of smoking joints with cardboard filters means that there is no 
barrier to tars and particulate matter, dramatically increasing the damage 
that users can do to their lungs.

"The manner in which cannabis and tobacco are smoked together means that 
the smoke is inhaled deeper, and for longer, resulting in greater harm to 
the lungs."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom