Pubdate: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 Source: Journal Times, The (Racine, WI) Copyright: 2005 The Journal Times Contact: Details: Author: Stephen Heath Bookmark: (Cocaine) Bookmark: (Methamphetamine) Bookmark: (Treatment) DRUG POLICY As a recovered former abuser of crack cocaine and methamphetamine (clean over 11 years now) the question for Wisconsin legislators should be, "Will limiting sales of decongestants do anything to reduce the amount of methamphetamine abuse in our state?" My personal experience, along with that of the couple thousand drug abusers I've worked with during the past decade in treatment and recovery settings, suggests the answer is a resounding no. Yet the only responses being discussed in Madison all deal with increasing penalties and levying harsher sanctions against the users and the manufacturers of methamphetamine. I can assure readers that regardless of how many Wisconsin residents police arrest and incarcerate for meth-related offenses, not a single addict is any closer to true recovery. It's time for more sensible alternatives. We need to increase access to strong stimulants so that the illegal market for amphetamines will be reduced. And we need to transfer the monies currently used to incarcerate drug abusers into programs which allow treatment on demand for any drug abuser who wants it. Such treatment should be available regardless of the drug of abuse - whether that drug be meth, cocaine, alcohol, nicotine or opiates. Educate. Don't incarcerate. Stephen Heath Public Relations Director Drug Policy Forum of Florida Clearwater, Fla. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth