Pubdate: Thu, 28 Apr 2005
Source: Core Weekly (Madison, WI)
Copyright: 2005 Core Weekly
Author: Nathan J. Comp (Editor)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


Many of Madison's political leaders feel that relaxing marijuana laws is a 
good thing. Here's a run down of where our alders stand on the issue, at 
least those who responded to coreweekly's query.

District 2 Ald. Brenda Konkel supports full legalization, as does District 
12 Ald. Brian Benford, District 8 Ald. Austin King and District 10 Ald. Ken 
Golden, who said, "No one should be in jail for smoking a joint."

Mayor Dave supports decriminalization, which means either the laws remain 
on the books but aren't enforced or penalties for possession are monetary 
forfeitures rather than jail sentences. District 7 Ald. Zach Brandon said 
he falls somewhere between criminalization and decriminalization. District 
4 Ald. Mike Verveer supports decriminalizing marijuana for medical use, as 
does District 5 Ald. Robbie Webber.

District 6 Ald. Judy Olson didn't respond to coreweekly's query, but in 
2002, she sponsored a proposal to allow citizens to grow marijuana for 
medicinal uses within the city.

District 16 Ald. Judy Compton doesn't support any form of legalization, she 

The following alders did not respond to coreweekly's query: District 9 Ald. 
Paul Skidmore, District 14 Ald. Tim Bruer, District 17 Ald. Santiago Rosas, 
District 18 Ald. Paul Van Rooy and District 20 Cindy Thomas. No position 
statement was sought from Madison's newly elected alders.
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