Pubdate: Fri, 29 Apr 2005
Source: Parksville Qualicum Beach News (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 Parksville Qualicum Beach News
Author: Neil Horner
Bookmark: (Canadian Marijuana Party)


If Michael Mann gets elected on May 17, he wants to serve as a watchdog on
behalf of the people who elected him.

The B.C. Marijuana Party candidate for the Alberni-Qualicum constituency
says having an independent voice in the legislature to hold people to
account is something that's sorely needed.

"Once politicians get in it's business as usual and I'm tired of that," he
says. "If I get into the legislature I'm going to take names and call people
on the carpet. They can't play games with me like they can with the regular

"I'm going to remind them that it's the people who are the boss."

Mann notes that, with the exception of the marijuana issue, he doesn't have
a whole lot of axes to grind and he'll be able to represent his constituents
with no strings attached.

"Right now we get all this double-speak and a witches' brew of lies and
there's no accountability," he says. "We don't have anyone in there to knock

Mann says his campaign is moving ahead slowly, but he doubts he'll be doing
a whole lot of door knocking prior to May 17.

"Door knocking isn't an efficient way to get my message out when I'm a
one-man campaign," he says. "I have a large sign and I'll be setting up on
the side of the street and waving to traffic."
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MAP posted-by: Josh