Pubdate: Sun, 08 May 2005 Source: New York Post (NY) Copyright: 2005 N.Y.P. Holdings, Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Kenneth Lovett Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal) GOP 'JOINT' RESOLUTION ALBANY -- The push to legalize marijuana in New York for medicinal use has for the first time generated a majority-sponsored bill in the Republican-controlled state Senate -- a big boost to the chances prescription pot will be available in the state. Sen. Vincent Leibell (R-Dutchess County) quietly introduced a bill last month that would let doctors prescribe marijuana to patients with life-threatening, degenerative or permanently disabling conditions. Cannabis could only be used if a doctor feels that other drugs and treatments would not be as effective. "Thousands of New Yorkers have serious medical conditions that can be improved by medically approved use of cannabis," Leibell's bill says. "The law should not stand in the way between them and life- and health-sustaining treatment under a physician's supervision." Many otherwise illegal controlled substances, like steroids and morphine, are permitted for legitimate medical uses, Leibell said. "I realize this will be controversial, but I think it's the right thing to do," the lawmaker told The Post. "It's not decriminalization. It's a narrow part of the population under closely controlled medical standards." While his bill differs slightly from one in the Democratic-controlled Assembly, it's close enough that he and Assembly Health Committee Chairman Richard Gottfried (D-Manhattan) believe a compromise is near. Leibell, Gottfried and TV talk-show host Montel Williams will hold a bipartisan joint press conference on the issue Tuesday. Williams, who is prescribed medical marijuana by a California doctor to help deal with his multiple sclerosis, last year made an emotional plea during private meetings with Gov. Pataki and Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno to follow the 10 states that have legalized pot for medical purposes. Following a bout with prostate cancer, Bruno said last year he was warming to the idea. Pataki has been less inclined to support the concept. Health Department spokesman William Van Slyke said medical experts believe there are enough legal drugs that provide the same benefits as marijuana. "We remain skeptical of the use of marijuana for medical purposes, but will continue to monitor the situation," Van Slyke said. In the Assembly, legislation on the issue was voted out of the Health Committee last year but never made it to the floor for a full vote. "I think if the Senate is prepared to pass the bill, the Assembly will as well," Gottfried said. The state Conservative Party opposes the legalization of medical marijuana. "It's just the wrong thing to do," said Conservative Party Chairman Michael Long. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake