Pubdate: Sun, 08 May 2005
Source: Toronto Star (CN ON)
Copyright: 2005 The Toronto Star
Author: Tanya Talaga
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal - Canada)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


Unsuspecting tourists walking through Queen's Park yesterday might have 
wondered if they had passed through a time machine and wound up at a U.S. 
college peace rally in the 1960s.

Tie-dyed T-shirts, laid-back people with bongs and the heady scent of pot 
hung in a haze just north of where the provincial government sits.

Close to 3,000 people celebrated cannabis culture as part of the sixth 
"Global Million Marijuana March," marked in more than 200 cities worldwide.

"We want to see it legalized and decriminalized," said organizer Franklin 
Skanks. He believes legalizing pot would bring in more revenue via "sin 
taxes," boost tourism and help shut down organized marijuana grow-ops.

Supervised by Toronto police, the rally went off without a hitch. No one 
was charged.

A 30-something couple from Manhattan and their infant son watched in awe as 
the parade passed. "We are blown away, this could never happen in New York 
City," said Debbie. "We are shocked by how friendly the police are."

Scarborough resident Dan Hook, 44, said he's been smoking weed for 30 
years. "I have come to realize the returns of the spiritual side of 
smoking. Bob Marley knew it and I'm learning it," he said.

Peter Young of the London Compassion Society, a medical marijuana resource 
facility, said his society distributes medical marijuana to doctor-approved 
patients. Cancer and AIDS patients use it to help manage pain and reduce 
nausea, he said.

High-quality marijuana is expensive and available only through illegal 
sources due to prohibition, he said. That often puts the medicinal benefits 
of marijuana out of the reach of people who need it, he added.
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MAP posted-by: Elizabeth Wehrman