Pubdate: Sat, 07 May 2005
Source: Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)
Copyright: 2005 The Commercial Appeal
Author: Sherri Drake
Bookmark: (Corruption - United States)


Put On Probation, To Work 600 Hours

A former Memphis police employee who stole from the department's property 
room -- after he was brought in to clean it up -- was sentenced Friday.

U.S. Dist. Judge Jon McCalla sentenced Jay T. Liner to three years of 
probation, 600 hours of community service and fined him $3,000.

Liner, 54, faced up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, but 
prosecutors recommended that he not go to prison, based on information he 
gave them about others involved in the high-profile property room scandal.

In September 2003, 16 people were indicted in a scheme that put more than 
560 pounds of marijuana, 320 pounds of cocaine, and 66 guns that had been 
stored in the property room back on the street.

When Liner surrendered, he turned over several items stolen from the 
property room, including a pistol, Rolex watch, golf clubs, laptop 
computers and champagne.

"This offense was basically stealing personal property for personal use," 
said federal prosecutor Thomas Colthurst.

Liner pleaded guilty in July 2004 to taking a gun from the property room.

McCalla thanked Liner for his cooperation with prosecutors and for 
providing them with information, "which has been important to the public 
and is not concluded."

Liner, a retired Washington Police Department lieutenant and former 
property room manager, was hired by the Memphis Police Department in 
December 2000.

Friday, he apologized to the court and his family.

"I have lived on the side of the law all of my life," he said. "I am so 
embarrassed at the position I've put myself in."

"The next time you see me will be in Heaven," he told McCalla. "You will 
never see me in this court again."
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