Pubdate: Tue, 10 May 2005
Source: Williams Lake Tribune, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 Williams Lake Tribune
Author: John Ngo
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


Marijuana Party candidate James Delbarre is pushing for legalization of 
marijuana and proportional representation.

Delbarre says those two issues are the reason behind his decision to run 
for office in Cariboo North and people need to take notice of them. He's a 
Quesnel resident of 30 years who felt compelled to take action and stand up 
for what he believes in. His stance on drugs is a reflection of the 
Marijuana party. "Anybody in B.C. that wants to smoke pot, can and does 
smoke pot," Delbarre said. "Anybody that doesn't want to, doesn't." He says 
if marijuana was legalized, it would take money out of grow-operations.

"All the hardcore criminals would be out business." He also says the 
current voting system is flawed and there needs to be reform.

"I think the way it's set up now, one party can have too much power," 
Delbarre said. He's a supporter of proportional representation and feels a 
change is required.

Elections BC has 412 candidates representing 25 registered political parties.
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MAP posted-by: Elizabeth Wehrman