Pubdate: Sun, 15 May 2005 Source: Province, The (CN BC) Copyright: 2005 The Province Contact: Details: Author: Andy Ivens Bookmark: (Outlaw Bikers) SUSPENDED CONSTABLE TELLS HOW HE WENT FROM HERO TO ZERO Gabriel Kojima Involved In Dramatic Arrest As A Trainee In 14 months, Const. Gabriel Kojima went from a hero to a zero in the eyes of Vancouver police Chief Jamie Graham. Kojima and five members of his squad on patrol in the Granville Street entertainment district on a quiet Tuesday night in 2001 earned the chief's commendation for bravery after a dramatic arrest of two armed Hells Angels outside the Plaza nightclub. But on Friday, Kojima found himself in the witness box at a police complaint commission hearing, fighting to get his job back after Graham recommended he be fired for his part in the police assaults on three drug dealers in Stanley Park on Jan. 14, 2003. Kojima is the last witness in the hearing, which began April 11 and is destined to stretch at least into June. Before the hearing was adjourn-ed for the day, Kojima told his version of events that landed him and five others in hot water with the chief. Kojima, who was 24 at the time, admitted he took out his collapsible metal baton while the second of three drug dealers was being let out of a police wagon at the Third Beach parking lot. But, he claims, he did not strike anyone with it with enough force to cause pain. "I have never struck anyone with a baton," Kojima testified. He said he tapped Jason Desjardins with the baton lightly while a fellow officer gave him a lecture in the parking lot about selling drugs on Granville Street to make sure Desjardins was listening. Allegations that Kojima struck two of the victims with the baton set him apart from the other officers at the scene who were given suspensions and not recommended fired. His lawyer, David Crossin, is expected to continue his questioning on Monday. - --- MAP posted-by: Elizabeth Wehrman