Pubdate: Mon, 16 May 2005
Source: BBC News (UK Web)
Copyright: 2005 BBC
Cited: Grandma Pat  http:/./
Bookmark: (Patricia Tabran)


A grandmother who was spared jail after making cannabis-laced casseroles 
for herself and friends was one of the speakers at a pro-cannabis rally.

Patricia Tabran, 66, spoke at the Cannabis Education March and Rally in 
Trafalgar Square, central London.

Ms Tabran, from Northumberland, admitted in April to possession with intent 
to supply and was given a suspended six-month prison sentence.

The march began in Russell Square, central London, at 1300 BST on Sunday.

The annual event usually takes place in south London.

Drug dealers

But Lambeth Council would not permit the seventh Cannabis March and 
Festival in Brockwell Park, Brixton, because of drug dealers at previous 

However, the Greater London Authority has allowed it to go ahead.

Organisers of the Brixton festival said they were aware of drug dealers 
being present but had wanted to work with Lambeth Council and the police to 
stamp out the problem.

Other speakers at the event included Peter Tatchell from gay rights group 
Outrage and Roger Warren-Evans, barrister for human rights group Liberty.

The subject of returning cannabis to a Class B drug after it was downgraded 
to Class C will be discussed at the rally as will health concerns, drug 
testing and driving under the influence.

Campaigners say they want the drug regulated and say legalisation would not 
lead to increased use.
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