Pubdate: Tue, 24 May 2005
Source: Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)
Copyright: 2005 The Commercial Appeal
Author: Rick Jewell


As an 11-year veteran of the former Memphis-Shelby County Metro Narcotics 
Unit, I wanted to send a note of thanks to newly appointed Criminal Court 
Judge Paula Skahan (May 19 article, "Drug bust is erased by judge").

Because of her broad interpretation of the Constitution, she said Mr. Drug 
Runner was not nervous enough so let him go and reduce his bond. From all 
the many Memphis police and Shelby County sheriff's deputies who gave our 
blood, sweat and tears to stem the flood of drugs in the Memphis community, 
we express our heartfelt thanks that she has let another doper loose on a 
"technicality" to return again in the near future.

She gives all law enforcement officers that added incentive to place their 
lives in jeopardy so a liberal judge can wash it all away with the stroke 
of a pen. I bet a rich doper south of the border wants to be her pen pal. 

Rick Jewell

Somerville, Tenn. 
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MAP posted-by: Elizabeth Wehrman