Pubdate: Wed, 25 May 2005
Source: Vindicator, The (Youngstown, OH)
Copyright: 2005 The Vindicator
Author: Peggy Sinkovich, Vindicator Trumbull Staff
Bookmark: (Drug Test)


About 10 Employees A Year Will Be Selected For Testing

GIRARD -- Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. That's what Mayor 
James Melfi says he has learned.

The mayor walked in his office Tuesday morning to find out he was one of 
the first city employees to take part in the random drug testing provided 
by the Drug Free Workplace Program, offered by the Bureau of Workers' 

"I was shocked to find these people in my office right when I got here," 
Melfi said. "I had no clue they were coming but what the heck, I imposed it 
so I should be the first to take it."

City Auditor Sam Zirafi also was asked to take the test, Melfi said. He was 
not sure if any other city employees were asked Tuesday.


The mayor imposed the random drug testing last month as part of a program 
that will save the city more than $100,000 a year in workers' compensation 

About 10 employees a year will be selected for testing, Melfi said.

According to the mayor, the city would pay $732,011 a year for workers' 
compensation if it doesn't take part in the program. Adopting the drug 
testing program lowers the premium to $622,852. In three years, the city 
would save about $330,000 by taking part in the program, he said.

In addition to the financial benefits, random drug testing will boost 
public confidence in the city's employees, the mayor has said.

The police and fire unions, court employees, administrators and council 
members agreed to take part in the program.

Grievance Filed

However, the local chapter of the American Federation of State, County and 
Municipal Employees has filed a grievance accusing the mayor of violating 
its contract by imposing random drug testing.

Jerry Lambert, safety-service director, has denied the grievance. It is not 
known when the matter will go to arbitration. The mayor has said that the 
AFSCME membership did not vote on the matter. AFSCME union officials 
decided to file the grievance, Melfi said.

AFSCME officials could not be reached to comment. The 28-member union 
represents street, sewage and water departments, the auditor's office and 
other office workers not affiliated with safety forces.

"I understand that the AFSCME union has called a meeting and I believe they 
are discussing this matter of the random drug tests," the mayor said. The 
mayor did not know if the AFSCME members were going to vote on the matter.
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MAP posted-by: Elizabeth Wehrman