Pubdate: Tue, 24 May 2005
Source: Vermilion Standard (CN AB)
Copyright: 2005 Vermilion Standard
Author: Jennifer Jacula
Bookmark: (Youth)


A new organization is starting up with the intention of helping Vermilion 
and area youths make the decision to say no to alcohol and drugs.

Vermilion Against Alcohol and Drugs (VAAD) is in the very early stages of 
forming. The group has had two meetings so far and the future looks promising.

Karen Greenwood, a guidance counselor at J.R. Robson, initiated the 
organization's beginning.

"We've tried to involve police, AADAC and different representatives. We're 
probably not the whole group because we're still in the developmental 
stages," said Greenwood.

At the first meeting, the group established that alcohol and drugs are a 
problem for youth in Vermilion.

"Some of the comments that were coming out is that kids are trying 
different things at a younger age and that it is affecting their lifestyles 
and their family's lifestyles. We validated that was the case and we agreed 
that we needed to do something proactive to start to get through to these 
kids somehow," said Greenwood.

Greenwood said they are looking at other towns to model Vermilion's program 
on. Jasper and Wetaskiwin have similar programs that VAAD is looking to for 

"At our last meeting, we talked about identifying kids at risk and trying 
to do case conferencing with them and their families. We thought a 
multi-disciplinary approach to that, if the schools were working with 
AADAC, would pull together something more stringent than what we have right 
now," said Greenwood.

Greenwood said they are also looking at doing some long-term presentations 
or activities that can be implemented into schools' health programs.

Greenwood said they would also be involving youth in the project in order 
to gain insights and said the youth could help with mentoring and publicity 
in getting through to younger kids.

"I think the big thing in this town, too, is to get it across to parents 
that there is an issue and that our kids are using drugs and that they need 
to be looking for changes in attitude and behaviour with their children. We 
hope to be providing resources for parents, too, so that they can 
understand what's going on," said Greenwood.

Charlene McFarlane is also a member of the group and represents both town 
council and FOCUS.

"Karen Greenwood initiated the invitation and she just felt that there was 
a group of kids in Vermilion, but there's also a group of leaders in 
Vermilion that could assist them, or make the steps easier to be proactive 
against alcohol and drugs in Vermilion," said McFarlane. VAAD is an 
inter-agency group that will be able to more easily provide resources for 
those who need them.

"[It's] how a community can get together and network properly and give 
great referral services so that it's one-stop shopping, that these people 
don't have to dig so deep when they're in a situation that they have to dig 
very deep to find the right answers or the right people to assist them in 
their needs," said McFarlane.

The group proposes to take a multi-faceted approach with youth including 
bringing the parents into the situation.

"I believe the youth of our community are a big part of it. They're going 
to raise us sooner or later. We want them to be able and have good 
abilities," said McFarlane.

VAAD is welcoming individuals who would like to help out with the 
organization. There will be one more meeting before the end of the school 
year and then the group will start up again in the fall. For more 
information, contact Karen Greenwood at J.R. Robson at 853-4177.
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