Pubdate: Wed, 25 May 2005
Source: Border Mail (Australia)
Copyright: 2005 Border Mail
Author: Rob Clode


End of the week seems to be held in reverence by many wannabe lawyers
without legal certification to their credit as non-practising solicitors.

Every day of the week, some person is up before the courts on a drug
charge of some sort.

Sorting out their predicament is left to practising solicitors for the
prosecution and the defence, adjudication handed down by an appointed
person from the judicial system, a judge.

Not one solitary word is uttered by any of these wannabe
non-practising solicitors, so it seems that all evidence and witnesses
for both sides have got it right in the eyes of these non-practising,
wannabe solicitors.

Not so in Indonesia, their legal system is flawed, judged by many
people of Australia without one jot of legal background education.

I didnt see the evidence against Schapelle Corby displayed in the
Indonesian court.

I read about it and heard about from many media sources but dont these
sources have a journalistic licence to exaggerate on what they report?

By the time it gets to our lounge rooms it is somewhat

The witnesses for the defence included a convicted felon and Ms Corbys
mother was over there, slamming our government for not doing enough.

Is our government supposed to take over the proceedings because an
Australian is charged with a crime committed there?

Evidence for the prosecution was a bag full of drugs, probably planted
there by some callous and gutless person.

Then again, was it?

These drugs are ready available in Indonesia but the quality of the
same drug in Australia is so much superior, maybe there is good money
in smuggling some there.

We all hope the correct verdict is handed down, by the Indonesian
judicial system, not Australian wannabes, and if Ms Corbys verdict is
unfavourable, then she remains where she is.

All the people who want the prisoner relocation to happen, should take
up a collection and pay for it yourselves.

Dont use my taxes.

Bali is a nice place, lovely people, what a shame that some will adopt
that puerile attitude to cut off their nose to spite their face.

It will all blow over in time, just get over it.

Rob Clode

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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin