Pubdate: Mon, 30 May 2005
Source: Daily Herald-Tribune, The (CN AB)
Copyright: 2005 The Daily Herald-Tribune
Author: Kevin Crush


Police are worried after a drug bust alerted them to the emergence of a new
drug in the city.

During a May 25 bust at a north-side home, RCMP seized around four litres of
GHB, a drug that has been associated with date rapes.

Commonly referred to as "G" or "Liquid Ecstasy," its normally considered a
"club drug" as it is similar to drugs, like ecstasy, that are often found in
the rave scene.

But GHB can cause even more concern than many of the other "club drugs,"
said Grande Prairie RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Brent Mundle.

"It also, because of the effects, acts as a sedative and then has the
potential to be used in date rape situations."

While the drug is normally taken by the user, it has been known to be used
as a date rape drug.

An addictive, clear liquid sold by capfuls and often mixed with alcohol, GHB
is a central nervous system depressant that has similar effects to alcohol.

It is, however, far more dangerous than alcohol as the drug not only can
cause severe intoxication and irrational behaviour, but also slow the heart
rate to dangerously low levels with the possibility of the user becoming
comatose. There is no chemical antidote to deal with overdose situations.

Police discovered the drugs while executing a drug search warrant on a
north-side home May 25 at 4:30 p.m.

The female occupant of the residence and a male friend were found inside and
taken into custody. The search found approximately four litres of GHB with
an estimated street value of $4,000, 64 ecstasy pills with a value of
$1,200, three grams of crystal meth worth $200, and 1.5 ounces of powder
cocaine worth $4,000.

The 21-year-old woman has been charged with possession of cocaine,
methamphetamine and GHB for the purpose of trafficking. The male was charged
with possession of cocaine. Both have been released on their own

Both are to appear in Grande Prairie provincial court on June 20. Police
have not released the name of either suspect.
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MAP posted-by: Josh