Pubdate: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 Source: Peak, The (Simon Fraser U, Edu CN BC) Copyright: 2005 Peak Publications Society Contact: Details: Author: Chris Buors ADDICTION = INDOCTRINATION Warren Haas is completely and utterly wrong about the weak will of so-called addicts ["I call bullshit on addictions," May 30, 2005]. In fact, addicts have an iron will. "Addicts" choose to engage in self-destructive behaviour even though they have been warned repeatedly about the consequences. And Mr. Haas, far from addictions being everywhere, addiction is in fact a myth, the theory never proven. The "loss of control" theory of addiction is in reality a "demonic possession" theory that always finds receptive ears in theology-based cultures. Addiction is a culturally-conditioned stigmatising term. The belief in addiction reflects more about the culture than any actual supernatural powers of allurement believers attribute to their vices. To put in understandable terms for the layman, humanity has learned how to do its moralising in medical terms since Jefferson separated church and state. So, welcome to the therapeutic state that has evolved from the theologic state. "Lust for pleasure" and "gluttony", "some people just don't know where to draw the line" explained away "addictions" for thousands of years. Those are two of the seven deadly sins, which traditional teaching tells us lead to spiritual death. Spiritual death is in fact a more apt description of behaviour than addiction ever was. And the language Warren Haas uses: "can't quit" and "not starting in the first place" and "cop-outs" and "responsibility" - whew, why don't you just come out and say it? Resisting and yielding to temptation is what addiction is really all about. And now that I have straightened Mr. Haas out about the true nature of addiction, I do want to get him started on "the rehab cockamamie" he mentioned because those of us who have been coerced into the "program" on threat of lost employment or incarceration want everybody to know that it boils down to forced political and religious indoctrination. Renounce the classic liberal notion that humanity has the natural right to self-medicate with whatever substance a free man may choose and accept that there are supernatural forces that can compel persons to act against their own will and I'm "treated." And when will it all come to an end Mr. Haas? When state and medicine are separated, that's when! - --- MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager