Pubdate: Fri, 03 Jun 2005
Source: Chilliwack Progress (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 The Chilliwack Progress
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


A bold new warning is going out to criminal investors that marijuana
grow-ops are not welcome in Chilliwack.

Chilliwack Grow Watch is the latest weapon in the RCMP arsenal to
reduce the number of illegal operations setting up shop in town, says
RCMP Supt. Dale McGowan.

Local RCMP and Block Watch officials jointly unveiled the program
Tuesday, which organizers say is the first of its kind in B.C.,
possibly in Canada.

"It is important to understand that marijuana grow operations are more
than a criminal element," said RCMP Supt. Dale McGowan. They often
pose threats to public safety, and are often linked to secondary
crimes, from drive-by shootings, home-invasions, homicides and
money-laundering, to cross-border drug smuggling, fires, gang activity
and organized crime.

Grow Watch is a three-pronged action plan developed locally and based
on citizen involvement.

It's geared to: educating the public about how to identify a grow-op;
assisting citizens in reporting suspicious activity; and deterring
criminals with special Grow Watch signs.

Grow Watch coordinator Const. Krista Vrolyk the aim is to deter
criminals from investing in the area by erecting Grow Watch signage in
various neighbourhoods. Grow Watch will allow Chilliwack RCMP to
"continue to be at the forefront" in the fight against illegal grows.

"Those involved in marijuana production thrive on anonymity," she
said. "When the heat is on, it makes things more difficult."

Seeing a Grow Watch sign means that neighbours have been trained to ID
grow-ops and record the information that police need to obtain search
warrants. If 80 per cent of the residents of a given area agree to
sign a letter of participation, the neighbourhood is then certified
for Grow Watch.

Grow Watch and Block Watch are "a perfect fit" for Chilliwack
according to Patti Hamilton, Chilliwack Block Watch

"By using our existing resources, educating our members, and getting
the Grow Watch signs up, we're sending a clear message that illegal
activities will not be tolerated," she said.

Block Watch neighbourhoods typically comprise 15 to 25 residences per
street and Block Watch captains are being invited to upcoming training
sessions in order to report back later to their neighbours.

"We recognize the problem of marijuana grow operations cannot by
solved by the police alone," Supt. McGowan said. "A unified,
community-based approach is needed in order to have a dramatic impact
in eliminating (grow-ops) from our city."

The problem ultimately needs "a community-based" solution," Supt.
McGowan added. "The citizens of Chilliwack are truly the eyes and ears
of the RCMP and strong community-based support and education is
essential in law enforcement and crime prevention."

The first community training session is set for Tuesday, June 7 at
Sardis Secondary lecture hall at 7 p.m. The second and third is at
City Hall on June 9, and June 21, both at 7 p.m. and then on June 23
at Sardis Secondary again, also at 7 p.m.

Const. Dan Weatherby of the strike force unit said that in his
experience, many residents lack the confidence to report any
suspicious activity to police regarding activities related to illegal
grow-op activity.

"By educating the general public on what to watch for in detecting
grow-ops and in providing the public with documents they can use for
making reports, the Grow Op program will address this problem," he

He says it can take months of investigation to the build the grounds
for a case.

"Your observations can be the missing piece of the puzzle needed to
obtain a search warrant, to make arrest or to identify suspects," he

Members of the public are asked to confirm plans to attend a Grow
Watch training session, either on June 7, 9, 21 or 23, by calling
Chilliwack Community Policing Services 604-792-8030.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin