Pubdate: Fri, 10 Jun 2005
Source: StarPhoenix, The (CN SN)
Copyright: 2005 The StarPhoenix
Author: Lana Haight
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


Saskatoon has long deserted its temperance roots but abstinence was a hot 
topic for a group of women meeting in the city this week.

"We model and try to encourage a drug-free lifestyle from tobacco to 
alcohol to other harmful drugs," said Jean Freeman, president of the 
Canadian Woman's Christian Temperance Union.

"We truly hope we're going to inspire another generation."

Almost 30 members from Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan, along with a 
member of the Australian union, met in Saskatoon for the Canadian 
organization's 61st biennial convention.

Nutana, on Saskatoon's east side, was settled as a temperance colony in 
1883, but by 1906 when Nutana amalgamated with Saskatoon and Riversdale, 
the temperance ideals were abandoned.

Freeman acknowledges that eliminating alcohol from a community, as was the 
goal of Saskatoon's early settlers, is no longer realistic.

"It always has to start with one person. One person does what he and she 
can do to promote that," she said in an interview before touring the Mendel 
Art Gallery and Civic Conservatory.

Many people may think the temperance union members are fighting a losing 
battle but they aren't, according to Freeman, who lives near Kingston, Ont.

"It's not a battle that's lost. If it had been lost, there would be no 
drug-addiction centres, there would be no rehabilitation places especially 
for women to be able to get their lives back together," she said.

During the three-day convention, the women listened to speakers talk about 
addictions as well as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. They also passed 
several resolutions dealing with addictions. The women want governments to 
provide more information and better programs focusing on the illegal street 
drugs ecstasy and crystal methamphetamine. And they'll ask for stronger 
penalties for those using and selling marijuana. With the organization's 
emphasis broadened to include supporting the family and promoting Christian 
values, the members also passed a resolution calling on the federal 
government to abandon its same-sex marriage legislation.

June Mondor traveled from Australia to attend this week's conference. She 
says south Australia has been wined-out and dined-out and people need to 
realize the devastating impact on the family.

"I think a lot of people think (that it's old-fashioned) but when they've 
been through the drugs and the drinking they will realize where they should 
be. There is a better way," said Mondor, who pointed out those attending 
the convention have had great fun this week without having to drink alcohol.

To try and spread its message of abstinence, the temperance union runs 
programs for parents who commit to not serving alcohol to their children 
and children who pledge to abstain from using tobacco, alcohol and drugs. 
The organization also sponsors poster and essay contests for kids to 
increase awareness of the dangers of using drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom