Pubdate: Fri, 10 Jun 2005
Source: Surrey Leader (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 Surrey Leader
Author: Kevin Diakiw
Bookmark: (Canadian Marijuana Party)


Surrey School Board Asks Courts To Drop A B.C. Marijuana Party

The Surrey School Board is denying "each and every" allegation made
against it by the B.C. Marijuana Party (BCMP), according to a
statement of defence released by the board.

The BCMP is suing the board for barring the party's candidates from
participating in local high school sponsored debates.

"We feel the targeted exclusion of the B.C. Marijuana Party is
anti-democratic. We think it sends a bad message to students and we
think it violates the Charter (of Rights)," campaign manager Kirk
Tousaw told The Leader last month.

According to the statement of defence, the school board's decision not
to allow the BCMP at debates came after party president Marc Emery
attended an event at Fraser Heights Secondary School, then later
distributed stickers with a marijuana leaf and script stating "toke
the vote," along with other pro-marijuana literature.

"The school board administration advised principals throughout the
district that further participation by representatives at of the B.C.
Marijuana Party at student debates would no longer be permitted...,"
the statement of defence states.

The statement also describes the party's claim as "moot" as no other
debates are being currently contemplated. The board is asking that the
action be dismissed with costs being awarded to the board.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin