Pubdate: Sun, 19 Jun 2005
Source: Quesnel Cariboo Observer (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 Quesnel Cariboo Observer
Author: Matt Wood


It's clean and pretty compared to other smaller B.C. municipalities,
has a lot to offer for nature enthusiasts and has a vibrant downtown.

The people here are warm and giving, with a generous spirit that sees
them give up their time and money for the sake of those less fortunate.

Yes, on the whole, Quesnel's a nice place to live.

But there's a seedy underbelly continually getting downplayed that we
need to start talking about.

The drug culture in Quesnel is big. In fact, it's far more
encompassing than many of you realize.

Cocaine, crack and crystal meth are driving criminals to desperate
measures to satisfy their fix.

Members of the local detachment continually send out multiple officers
and bring in the K9 unit from Prince George to combat the drug trade
in Quesnel.

It's a requirement that necessitates the expenditure of thousands of
taxpayers' dollars in wages pursuing criminals.

Drugs are the root cause of a lot of the crime in this city, yet we
continue to sweep the issue under the carpet.

What we should be doing is taking the first step and admitting we have
a problem. Then we need to consult professionals with experience,
community leaders, neighbourhood associations and the public and start
talking about what can be done.

When we speak to the professionals at Quesnel Addiction Services, we
hear tragic stories about people losing their jobs, families and lives
because of drug abuse.

Would you ignore the signs of illness on a personal level, not seeking
medical treatment because of what people might think?

Would you choose not to go to a doctor because you're afraid of
scaring people?

We don't think so.

And if that's the case, why do we continue to ignore the symptoms of
our city's illness?
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin