Pubdate: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 Source: Edmonton Journal (CN AB) Copyright: 2006 The Edmonton Journal Contact: Details: DUTCH MS PATIENT ALLOWED TO GROW POT THE HAGUE - A Dutch appeals court on Tuesday handed down a landmark ruling allowing an MS patient to grow cannabis for his personal use to alleviate the symptoms of his illness. Although it is legal in the Netherlands to sell and consume small amounts of cannabis and hashish in licensed cafes, growing and trafficking the drugs are banned. Tuesday's ruling is the first time Dutch authorities have made an exception on the ban on growing cannabis for personal medical use. The case before the appeals court in Leeuwarden in the northern Netherlands involved 51-year old Wim Moorlag, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, and his wife Klasiena Hooijer, who grew cannabis. They cultivated just enough to meet Moorlag's daily use of three grams, namely some 300 grams per harvest every 15 weeks. - --- MAP posted-by: Elaine