Pubdate: Thu, 06 Jul 2006
Source: Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Copyright: 2006 The Ottawa Citizen
Author: Janice Tibbetts, The Ottawa Citizen
Bookmark: (Mandatory Minimum Sentencing)


Mandatory Prison Terms Ineffective, Lawyers Told New Justice Minister

The Conservative government, within days of taking office, was warned
by senior federal bureaucrats that its central election pledge to
impose new automatic prison terms won't deter crime or protect the
public, internal documents reveal.

The Tories apparently ignored the advice from Justice Department
lawyers, which was contained in a briefing book for Justice Minister
Vic Toews released yesterday through an Access to Information request.

"Research into the effectiveness of mandatory minimum sentences has
established that they do not have any obvious special deterrent or
educative effect and are no more effective than less serious sanctions
in preventing crime," said the briefing book.

It added that minimum mandatory sentences have "no discernible
benefits" in terms of public safety, and could run afoul of Charter of
Rights and Freedoms protection against cruel and unusual punishment.

The documents also caution that minimum prison terms could backfire
because "experience has shown" they prompt more people to plea bargain
their way out of prison.

Mr. Toews was also cautioned about the challenges he would face if the
Conservatives went ahead with their plan, but the information is
blacked out in the document.

Mr. Toews introduced legislation two months ago to impose new or
increased minimum mandatory sentences of three to 10 years for 18
crimes involving guns, asserting that they would cut down on crime.

The lesser sentences would be reserved for first-time

The most severe terms would be for serious, repeat offenders. For
example, a new offence of breaking and entering and attempting to
steal a weapon would automatically carry a three-year prison term.

The Criminal Code already contains minimum mandatory prison sentences
for 29 crimes -- 20 of which were imposed 10 years ago as part of the
former Liberal government's gun-control legislation.

The Conservatives, motivated in part by an increase in gun violence in
major Canadian cities, particularly Toronto, say heavier penalties
send a public message to would-be criminals.

The Justice Department's advice echoes warnings from academics and
interest groups outside government.

Minimum mandatory sentences are controversial because they eliminate
flexibility for judges to impose sentences as they see fit. Many
criminologists are also dismissive of automatic prison terms because
they say they clog institutions and there is scant evidence they deter

Mr. Toews, in introducing the legislation in May, publicly denounced
claims minimum sentences do not deter crime.

"I'd like to see some of these statistics to say it doesn't work," he
said. "People repeat statements that just aren't accurate. Mandatory
minimum prison sentences, in fact, do work. All the evidence, in fact,
suggests that they mean a significant reduction in crime."

Mr. Toews cited statistics showing reduced crime rates of up to 40 per
cent in several American states after minimum jail terms were imposed.

An outside study prepared for the Justice Department last fall,
however, said several jurisdictions, including South Africa,
Australia, England and the state of Michigan, have retreated from
minimum sentences in recent years.

For example, mandatory sentencing laws for certain drug violations
were eliminated in Michigan in 2002, allowing courts to consider
mitigating factors, University of Ottawa criminologist Julian Roberts

The Justice Department also warned of increased costs in its briefing
book for the new justice minister.

Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day confirmed in May the government
has set aside between $220 million and $245 million over the next five
years to build new prison cells, in anticipation of passing new laws
to impose longer sentences.

The money, however, does not include the cost of the Conservatives'
election promise to impose new minimum mandatory sentences for
drug-related crimes, which critics predict would flood prisons, as it
has in the United States. Mandatory prison terms for drug trafficking
alone could put thousands more prisoners in the federal system, which
houses 12,500 inmates.

So far, the Tories have not gone ahead with the mandatory drug
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