Pubdate: Mon, 27 Mar 2006
Source: Norman Transcript (OK)
Copyright: 2006 The Norman Transcript


The 2005 Community Report Card, discussed at several  civic club
meetings recently, contains some encouraging  numbers but it also
notes some disturbing news in areas  where we could do better in
regards to our younger  citizens.

The Report Card began as part of the LINK Norman  envisioning process
that began nearly 10 years ago. The  rationale for the report was
that change either happens  by chance or design.

According to the report the number of juvenile liquor  law violations
increased from 20 in 2003 to 80 in 2004.  It could be that the police
are doing a better job of  enforcing laws or it could be that alcohol
is more  readily available to teen-agers.

The report card also includes a national survey that  included Norman
school students in grades 9 to 12  indicating students here are much
more likely to  "binge" drink. Thirty four percent of the students
surveyed said they have had five or more drinks of  alcohol in a row
compared to 25 percent three years  earlier.

More than a quarter of the students surveyed said they  were offered,
sold or given an illegal drug on school  property. That compares to
17 percent in 2001 and 22  percent statewide.