Pubdate: Fri, 05 May 2006
Source: Globe and Mail (Canada)
Copyright: 2006, The Globe and Mail Company
Author: Jeffrey Simpson
Bookmark: (Mandatory Minimum Sentencing)


The international and Canadian evidence is overwhelming against 
expanding mandatory minimum sentences. Numerous studies confirm it. 
Judges, prosecutors and academics know it. And yet, against this 
conclusive evidence, Canada's Conservative government proposes to 
ramp up their use.

Canada already has 29 offences that carry mandatory minimum sentences 
(MMS). Nineteen were added to the Criminal Code in 1995, as part of a 
package of changes. Many were for firearms offences.

Now the Conservatives want to add new ones and lengthen existing 
ones. The reason has everything to do with politics, a political 
response to a media-inspired whipping up of concern about crime that 
defies the reality, easily demonstrated, that violent-crime rates 
across Canada have been going down for most of the past two decades.

The Conservatives, pandering to perception, want to get "tough on 
crime." So two stalwarts of this approach -- Justice Minister Vic 
Toews and Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day -- unveiled the 
government's policies yesterday, including the new mandatory minimum 
sentences for drug and firearms offences.

Where is the evidence to support what they propose? It exists in 
rhetoric, tabloid columnizing and the police associations. It does 
not exist in fact. If you doubt it, click on the websites of Mr. 
Toews's own department in Ottawa, the Rand Corp. or various 
university departments of criminology to understand what those who 
have studied MMS, as opposed to playing politics with it, have found.

Prof. Julian Roberts of Oxford University surveyed MMS in a range of 
countries. He concluded: "The studies that have examined the impact 
of these laws reported variable effects on prison populations, and no 
discernible effect on crime rates." Please note: "no discernible 
effect on crime rates."

Prof. Thomas Gabor of the University of Ottawa and Nicole Crutcher of 
Carleton University conducted an exhaustive survey of world studies 
for the Justice Department in 2002. What counts, they found, in crime 
prevention is not the length of anticipated sentence but the 
likelihood of being caught. They wrote: "The research on both 
sentence certainty and severity are relevant to MMS and, on balance, 
the evidence suggests that severity may be less critical to 
deterrence than initiatives boosting the certainty of punishment."

A 2000 U.S. study revealed that states with above-average rates of 
incarceration experienced the most modest decreases in crime. Another 
U.S. study -- this one into firearms offences -- showed that enhanced 
sentences had no significant effect on gun homicide. The best that 
other U.S. studies showed was a possible improvement in homicide 
rates linked to MMS for firearms, but the evidence was inconclusive.

An Australian study, however, found gun robbers would continue to use 
firearms, even knowing that MMS existed for gun offences. As for drug 
offences, here's what the worldwide study by Gabor/Crutcher 
concluded: "Severe MMS seems to be least effective in relation to 
drug offences. . . . Drug consumption and drug-related crime seem to 
be unaffected, in any measurable way, by severe MMS."

A 1999 research report for the Department of the Solicitor-General, 
as it then was, concluded after surveying 50 studies involving 
300,000 offenders, "longer sentences were not associated with reduced 
recidivism. In fact, the opposite was found. Longer sentences were 
associated with a 3-per-cent increase in recidivism."

Professors Anthony Doob and Carla Cersaroni of the Centre of 
Criminology of the University of Toronto asked plaintively in a 2001 
essay: "Why are we still discussing whether Canada should have any 
minimum sentences?" They pointed out that the Canadian Sentencing 
Commission and the 1952 Royal Commission on the Revision of the 
Criminal Code had recommended against them.

We do know, therefore, that mandatory minimum sentences do not deter 
crime, thereby making societies safer. We also know, however, that 
they drive up the prison population, and make it much more likely 
there will be an increase in plea negotiations, lower conviction 
rates, and more charges either stayed, withdrawn or discharged. 
That's what all the studies have shown.

They have also shown that MMS falls most heavily on visible 
minorities whose members are overrepresented already in prisons -- 
such as blacks in the U.S. and aboriginals in Canada.

There isn't any evidence, therefore, in Canada or abroad that 
mandatory minimums deter crime. That the Harper government should be 
expanding them is yet another example of the triumph of 
focus-group-driven politics over evidence-based policy.