Pubdate: Sun, 04 Jun 2006
Source: Charleston Gazette (WV)
Copyright: 2006 Charleston Gazette
Note: Does not print out of town letters.
Author: Scott Finn and Tara Tuckwiller
Bookmark: (Chronic Pain)
Bookmark: (Heroin)
Bookmark: (Methadone)
Bookmark: (Oxycontin/Oxycodone)
Bookmark: (Rockefeller Drug Laws)
Bookmark: (Treatment)

Series: The Killer Cure (1 Of 11)


Feds Approve Outdated, Potentially Deadly Drug Information

One increasingly popular painkiller is helping to kill more people 
than any other prescription narcotic, a Sunday Gazette-Mail 
investigation has found.

Patients could die if they take the "usual adult dosage" on 
methadone's package insert -- information that comes with the 
prescription and was approved by the federal government.

Despite knowing about methadone's dangers, federal officials have not 
strengthened the warnings most doctors and patients receive about 
methadone, Sunday Gazette-Mail reporters discovered.  - advertisement -

Methadone, once given mostly to heroin addicts to ease their 
cravings, now is being prescribed by more doctors to treat pain. 
Insurance companies favor it because it is cheap and effective.

But methadone helped to kill three times as many Americans in 2003 as 
it did in 1999, death certificates reveal, and medical examiners 
blame it for more overdose deaths than any other narcotic drug except 
cocaine. This previously unpublished information comes from an 
analysis of death certificates requested by the Gazette-Mail and 
conducted by the National Vital Statistics System, part of the 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for 
Health Statistics.

West Virginia led the nation in accidental overdose deaths blamed on 
methadone in 2003, with a death rate four times higher than the 
national average, the data shows. It was followed by Kentucky, North 
Carolina, Maine and New Hampshire.

Methadone contributed to 2,992 deaths nationwide in 2003, up from 790 
four years earlier, according to the data.

That's more deaths in one year than the U.S. military has suffered 
during the conflict in Iraq. Medical examiners ruled 82 percent of 
those deaths accidental.

Methadone often is confused with the illegal drug methamphetamine. 
But methadone is a completely different, legal medication.

The media often portray methadone overdose victims as drug addicts 
and criminals who steal it or buy it illegally off the street. But a 
significant number of victims were prescribed the drug to treat their 
pain, according to studies shared with the Gazette-Mail by 
researchers in three states.

Some of those victims took the drug as prescribed and died anyway, 
family members said in legal filings and in telephone interviews. 
That is what happened to 44-year-old Vince Verdecchio, a Denver lab 
technician who was prescribed methadone for back pain after surgery, 
said his wife Marianne Verdecchio.

Less than 36 hours after he filled the prescription, he was dead.

"He was only taking what was on the bottle," she said. "He took it as 
directed and he passed away."

An "Extremely Dangerous" Dose

Some patients could die if they followed the "usual adult dosage" on 
methadone's package insert, said several researchers and pain doctors 
contacted by the Gazette-Mail.

Doses of 50 milligrams or less of methadone have killed people not 
accustomed to the drug, according to several studies. Researchers now 
recommend a starting dose of 10 milligrams a day or less for patients 
not used to narcotic painkillers.

But the package insert says the usual adult dose is "2.5 mg to 10 mg 
every three or four hours as necessary," or up to 80 milligrams a day.

The inserts are written by the drug manufacturers and approved by the 
federal Food and Drug Administration.

"That's an extremely dangerous, liberal guideline," said Lynn 
Webster, a physician and published researcher who runs Lifetree 
Clinical Research and Pain Clinic in Utah. "I doubt any 
board-certified pain specialist would say that is a safe starting dose."

Bush administration officials have known about the problem since at 
least 2003, when they convened a conference on methadone-related 
deaths. They paid Stewart B. Leavitt to be researcher/writer of a 
report based on findings from the conference.

Leavitt, a longtime methadone advocate, is editor and principal 
researcher/writer of two online newsletters funded by one of the 
world's largest makers of methadone, Tyco/Mallinckrodt. His 
for-profit company owns one of the Web sites.

In a recent interview, Leavitt said methadone unfairly is blamed for 
overdoses that may have been caused by other drugs. He said methadone 
has proven effective to treat both addiction and pain.

For the past 40 years, methadone has mainly been used to treat people 
who are addicted to heroin and similar drugs. Methadone clinics sell 
daily doses of the drug, which calm cravings for heroin without 
getting the patients high.

Recently, doctors have begun to prescribe methadone as a cheap and 
effective painkiller. Those pain pills are killing more people than 
the liquid methadone sold by the clinics, according to medical 
examiners in several states and a new study of methadone overdoses in Utah.

No nationwide data shows the number of people taking methadone. But 
Lisa Borg, who has published methadone research in conjunction with 
The Rockefeller University in New York, estimated that an extremely 
small percentage of people who take methadone die from an overdose of it.

Negative publicity about methadone could lead to doctors and patients 
being afraid to use painkillers in general, Leavitt said.

"It will get to the point where you'll go to an emergency room with a 
broken leg and they'll give you a stick to bite on to deal with your 
pain," Leavitt said.

"His Miracle Drug"

Vince Verdecchio had been living with back pain for years. Doctors 
tried to fix his back with surgery. After one surgery in 2005, he 
wound up with a staph infection.

"They had to open him up a couple more times," Marianne Verdecchio 
said. "He had to have a home health nurse and an antibiotic bag 24 
hours a day for six weeks. It was really hard on his body.

"And The Pain ..."

The doctors tried different pain medications on him. The fentanyl 
patch didn't work -- "He was in such pain he just sweated it off," she said.

For months, he was in so much pain he could barely move. On June 15, 
2005, the doctor put him on methadone.

Within hours, the pain was gone.

"That afternoon, he was up cooking dinner," Marianne Verdecchio said. 
"He actually went to work the next day. It was his first full day back to work.

"He called me a couple of times from work. He said, 'You're not going 
to believe me, but this is working. I'm still not in any pain.'

"We thought it was his miracle drug."

Verdecchio took exactly what his primary care physician had 
prescribed, she said: three 10-milligram tablets twice daily. On the 
night of June 16, he took his third regularly scheduled dose.

"We went to bed about midnight," Marianne Verdecchio said. "And then 
I found him three hours later and he was dead."

The coroner did an autopsy. He ruled Vince Verdecchio's death 
accidental, due to probable complications of acute methadone toxicity.

Too Many Deaths To Count

On death certificates filed in 2003, medical examiners listed 
methadone as a cause of death more often than any other narcotic drug 
except cocaine, said Lois Fingerhut, special assistant for injury 
epidemiology at NCHS.

Narcotics include the illegal drug heroin and legal painkillers such 
as oxycodone and morphine. Federal law officially classifies cocaine 
as a narcotic drug, even though it is a stimulant.

There has been a rapid increase in the number of accidental overdose 
deaths blamed on methadone since 1999, when it was separated into its 
own category.

Some of the increase is because of improvements in data collection, 
Fingerhut said, but most of the growth is real.

"The fact that those deaths have continued to go up is a good 
indication we are experiencing a real and significant increase," she said.

The number of people dying from methadone overdoses is probably even 
greater, according to several medical examiners contacted by the 
Gazette-Mail. Many overdose deaths are blamed on other causes and 
never investigated.

Ten years ago in West Virginia, almost no one died from a methadone 
overdose, said James Kraner, toxicologist for the state medical 
examiner's office. In the first 10 months of 2005, methadone was 
listed as a cause of death for 97 West Virginians.

In Reno, Nev., Coroner Vernon McCarty said he has seen a fourfold 
increase in methadone deaths in the last three years.

"There's too many methadone deaths to keep track of," McCarty said. 
"I've given up trying to count them all. You ask any medical examiner 
in the state -- he'll tell you the same thing."

Not Just Drug Addicts

Here's the stereotypical scenario of a methadone death: A young man 
wants to get high. He buys methadone illegally from a street dealer 
or he steals it from a relative who is taking it for pain. He takes 
the methadone pills with a toxic combination of other painkillers and 
alcohol. He passes out, stops breathing and dies.

Most methadone overdose victims had more than one drug in their 
system at the time of their deaths, according to studies in West 
Virginia, Maine, North Carolina and Utah.

In 2004, a combination of methadone and cocaine killed 17-year-old 
Brandi Bragg, granddaughter of West Virginia's biggest lottery 
winner, Jack Whittaker. She did not have a prescription for 
methadone, according to her death certificate.

But in West Virginia, one in five methadone overdose victims had no 
other drug in their system, according to a Gazette-Mail analysis of 
state toxicology and vital statistics data.

Others victims had trace, usually harmless amounts of alcohol or acetaminophen.

Sometimes, methadone victims were prescribed the drug for pain. 
Sometimes they accidentally took too much. Sometimes their doctors 
unintentionally prescribed a lethal dose.

A new study says almost half of methadone overdose victims in Utah 
were prescribed the drug for pain.

Of the 114 Utah residents who died in 2004 from methadone, at least 
48 of them had a valid prescription to use the drug, according to the 
report provided to the Gazette-Mail. More than two-thirds of them 
died within the first four days of starting their prescriptions, said 
Christy Porucznik, a Utah epidemiologist.

Only two were using methadone as part of a drug treatment program.

Other states that have studied the problem have discovered similar 
trends. People with valid prescriptions for methadone made up at 
least 37 percent of methadone overdose deaths in North Carolina and 
one-quarter of such deaths in Las Vegas, according to recent studies 
provided to the Gazette-Mail.

Sometimes, doctors prescribe methadone with other drugs that in 
combination are potentially lethal.

Vince Verdecchio also was prescribed diazepam for anxiety. His wife 
found out later that benzodiazepines such as diazepam (commonly known 
as Valium) increase the risk of overdose when combined with opioids 
such as methadone.

"To me, it should have been a red flag for his doctor," she said.

Often, patients make the fatal mistake. They fail to follow their 
doctors' advice and take more of the drug than prescribed, or they 
take it with other drugs.

Other painkillers are more forgiving. Make a mistake with methadone 
and the results are often deadly, Porucznik said.

"With methadone, you can't just take extra pills," she said. "You could die."

Not On FDA's Radar Screen

Across the country, some medical examiners and health researchers 
told the Gazette-Mail they have tried to alert federal officials and 
the media about the dangers of methadone. But brand-name drugs like 
OxyContin have received more attention.

Bruce Goldberger is director of the Forensic Toxicology Laboratory at 
the University of Florida. He has published several studies about 
methadone overdose deaths in his state.

Goldberger said in a telephone interview that he has tried for years 
to get the FDA and other federal agencies to pay attention to 
methadone deaths with little success.

"What does it take to reach the FDA's radar screen?" Goldberger 
asked. "Clearly, there has been a huge increase in methadone-related 
deaths, and they have done nothing."

FDA officials have increased the warnings on one type of methadone -- 
the type given intravenously to patients in the hospital. But an 
agency spokeswoman told the Gazette-Mail they were reluctant to put 
similar warnings on the pill form given to most pain patients, 
because it could scare off potential drug treatment patients.

"The mortality rate associated with untreated opioid addiction is 
extremely high and the effect of placing a 'boxed warning' regarding 
the potential cardiotoxicity was determined to have a potentially 
negative impact on appropriate treatment of these patients," FDA 
spokeswoman Suzan Cruzan said in an e-mail.

The FDA is now working with methadone manufacturers to "make 
appropriate changes" to the pain-pill labels, she said.

Marianne Verdecchio said patients need stronger warnings about 
methadone's risks.

"I think people need to be educated," she said. "I don't think they 
should have to go online and educate themselves. The doctor needs to 
say, 'You really need to be careful with this medication, because 
it's really strong.'

"I think they should try really, really low dosages and see how a 
person reacts before they even write a prescription for it."

The Verdecchios had two children, a son, 25, and a daughter, 23.

"We had just had our 25th anniversary," Marianne Verdecchio said. "I 
shouldn't be a widow at 46."


What Is Methadone

What it is: Methadone is a synthetic opiate developed by the Germans 
during World War II as a substitute for morphine.

What it isn't: Methadone often is confused with "meth," or 
methamphetamine, an illegal stimulant commonly cooked in clandestine 
labs. Methadone is a completely different -- and legal -- drug.

Uses: Until recently, methadone was given mostly to heroin addicts to 
suppress their cravings. Now, doctors are increasingly prescribing it 
as a painkiller.

Dangers: Methadone acts differently from other painkillers. It can 
stay in the body for an unusually long time, making it possible for 
therapeutic doses to build up to a toxic level.

Methadone may take a while to make its effects felt. Patients may 
take an extra dose, thinking the first one isn't working, and an 
overdose can result.

An overdose of methadone may cause a patient to fall into a deep 
sleep and eventually stop breathing. Methadone is more dangerous when 
taken with certain other drugs, such as Valium and Xanax.

Reactions to methadone vary dramatically. A dose that is therapeutic 
for one person might kill someone else.