Pubdate: Wed,16 Aug 2006
Source: West Australian (Australia)
Copyright: 2006 West Australian Newspapers Limited


Someone in Eastpoint Plaza in Adelaide Terrace can't get enough of 
the high life.

Not content with smoking dope at home, the pothead has taken to using 
a bong, right, to smoke dope in a toilet during work time using the 
bucket bong method.

An email copied to IC and supposedly sent to numerous staff in the 
building, claims the bong, a two-liter soft drink bottle with the 
bottom cut out, was discovered in a ground level "shower/toilet facility".

"This person has been hiding the bucket (sic) in the toilet cistern 
tank," it said.

It described how the pothead was using the cistern for the bucket 
part of the smoking process and why bucket bongs were so effective.

"All of this is an illegal act, and if we catch the person, the 
police will be informed," warned the email.

Which shouldn't be too hard because Eastpoint Plaza is home to the 
police special crime squad and the major fraud investigation squad.

The email's author suspects that because the toilet is locked after 
hours, "someone from Eastpoint Plaza is using this device during 
normal work hour (sic)".

"The soft drink bottle has had the bottom cut away, and one can see 
by the large amount of smoke residue on the neck and bottle top that 
this has been used often," it said.

"I would respectfully ask that all persons working in Eastpoint Plaza 
be notified of this ... activity, and that it will not be condoned, 
and once found out, will be stopped immediately by lawful intervention."

Perry Brown, from the building's manager Jones Lang LaSalle, said 
news of the dunny dope smoker was a mystery to him.  "I'm the 
property manager and I've heard nothing about it," Perry told IC.

Might be time to check the smoke alarms.