Pubdate: Mon, 16 Jan 2006
Source: Hawke's Bay Today (New Zealand)
Copyright: 2006
Author: Paul Tagggart
Bookmark: (Incarceration)


There have been drugs in prisons for as long as there have been

So for National's law and order spokesman Simon Power to make the
claim drugs are increasingly being smuggled into Hawke's Bay prison is
not surprising.

However, what was obviously intended as a means of grabbing headlines
for the Opposition, and having a swipe at the Government, actually
uncovered some interesting figures which shows things may be a lot
better than Mr Power suggested.

While there has been an increase in the quantity of drugs confiscated
from visitors to the Bay prison, it is only an assumption that the
increase means more illegal substances must also be getting through.

The reality is that a greater quantity of drugs appears to have been
intercepted because of greater vigilance by the prison authorities,
and the situation is going to improve further when a new visiting
centre opens next year: It will be staffed by specialist prison
officers trained in detection and surveillance techniques.

The General Manager of Hawke's Bay Prison, Peter Grant, said
drug-testing on prisoners in the past had recorded a 30 percent
positive rate. The latest round of testing had cut the number to 16

It is still high, but it shows that the authorities are making
progress. A new perimeter fence around the prison grounds has made the
throwing of objects containing drugs or alcohol to prisoners much more

However, it is during visiting hours that 90 percent of drugs enter
the prison. Visits can be several hours long and involve up to 15
families at once, giving ample opportunity for drugs to change hands.
The planned visitors' facility should make a further improvement in
this area.

While it would be nice to imagine that drug use in prisons could be
eliminated, the reality is that containing and reducing their use is a
more realistic target.

With that in mind, Hawke's Bay Prison's staff appear to be on the
right track.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin