Pubdate: Mon, 16 Jan 2006
Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2006, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Jonathan Jenkins, Toronto Sun


A Toronto cop fired up to four shots at a car heading toward him just
moments after the vehicle had knocked down another officer and a
pregnant woman, police said yesterday.

"She was the passenger who was exiting the vehicle when the police
officers pulled up to investigate the driver," Sgt. Rita Boehm said.

He decided to leave and the car was put into reverse, striking her and
one of the officers.

Neither was hurt seriously and none of the shots the officer fired hit

The incident happened just before 6 p.m. Saturday near Dundas and
Pembroke Sts. as plainclothes cops investigated drug dealing in the

Witnesses said they heard four shots fired and the driver of the car
escaped north on Pembroke St.

Boehm said the woman, who is five months pregnant, was co-operating
with police but wasn't able to help identify the driver of the leased
vehicle -- a black Pontiac Catera that was found abandoned a few
blocks away on Granby St. with a window smashed out and bullet holes
in the windshield.

"She's been very helpful." Boehm said of the pregnant woman, who was
taken to hospital with minor injuries. "She indicated there was no
doubt in her mind that these people were police officers because they
identified themselves verbally and with their badges."

Francis Olaye, 29, of Toronto, surrendered to police at 51 Division
around 1:30 p.m. yesterday. He is charged with dangerous driving,
failing to remain, assault with a weapon, and failing to comply with a
recognizance order. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake