Pubdate: Mon, 23 Jan 2006
Source: Edinburgh Evening News (UK)
Copyright: 2006 The Scotsman Publications Ltd
Author: Linda Summerhayes, Health Reporter
Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom)


THE number of people detained in hospital for mental and behavioural 
problems due to cannabis has more than trebled in the Lothians.

The new figures come just days after Home Secretary Charles Clarke's 
decision not to reclassify the drug from class C to class B.

Statistics set to be released by the Scottish Executive in a 
parliamentary answer will show that the number of cannabis-related 
casualties soared from 45 to 136 - the highest rise in Scotland.

In Greater Glasgow during the same period, discharges more than 
doubled from 74 in 2002-03, to 158 in 2004-05.

However, it is unclear whether the rise is due to more people with 
mental health problems admitting they smoke cannabis, following its 
reclassification to class C.

The latest Executive figures have been obtained by the Scottish 
National Party's health spokeswoman, Shona Robison.

She said: "It is obviously concerning that there's been such a huge 
jump. There has certainly been evidence of mental health problems 
linked to cannabis use and these figures add weight to that.

"One of the big worries is that there has not been a clear message 
given out to young people that cannabis is not a cost-free drug and 
that there are long-term effects on the people who use it."

Mrs Robison said research was needed to establish how much of the 
rise was a direct result of the drug's reclassification.

The data also shows that acute hospital discharges for problems 
related to cocaine also soared by almost 300 per cent in Scotland - 
up from 56 in 2000-01 to 190 in 2004-05.

Last year, drugs expert Professor Neil McKeganey said that 
reclassification of cannabis would lead to increased usage.

Prof McKeganey, of Glasgow University's centre for drug misuse, 
warned that smoking cannabis could lead to lung damage, depression, 
anxiety and could cause psychotic episodes in people suffering from 

Last week, Mr Clarke said he had decided against reversing the 
decision two years ago to downgrade cannabis to class C.

The Home Secretary said he accepted the drug could trigger serious 
mental illness but pledged a publicity campaign to warn of the dangers.

Mr Clarke said the decision was supported by police and most drug and 
mental health charities.

Cannabis was reclassified to class C in January 2004 after it was 
decided that it was not as harmful as other class B drugs such as 
barbiturates, amphetamine and codeine. Class C means it is ranked 
alongside anabolic steroids and GHB, a rave drug. The Advisory 
Council on the Misuse of Drugs told Mr Clarke that although capable 
of "real and significant" effects on mental health, cannabis was not 
as harmful as other class B drugs.

A spokeswoman for the Scottish Executive stressed that cannabis 
remained illegal and harmful. She said: "It brings a risk to physical 
and mental health and that's why we are updating our education 
campaign on it, and our police forces continue to report people to 
procurators fiscal over it."
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