Pubdate: Mon, 31 Jul 2006
Source: Times, The  (Munster IN)
Copyright: 2006 The Munster Times
Author: Christine Kraly
Bookmark: (Methadone)


Valparaiso: Forum Will Focus On Education

VALPARAISO | It has been lauded and lambasted. It has helped addicts 
become clean, yet been the source of addiction for countless others.

But Dr. Alfonso Holliday, who has helped people battle substance 
abuse for years, is hoping to spread the message that methadone is an 
effective drug addiction treatment. In part as a requirement to 
notify the public of his desire to open a methadone treatment 
facility in Porter County, Holliday is hosting a community forum from 
6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Valparaiso Hampton Inn, 1451 Silhavy 
Road. He said he hopes to educate people about the efficacy of methadone.

Holliday's goal, with the help of investors, is to build a 50- to 
100-acre research, education and medicine center to treat addictions. 
The center's campus ideally would include an ultra-rapid detox unit, 
as well as a hotel for patients' families.

The facility would be good not only for those suffering from a 
substance abuse, but also for business, Holliday said.

"We're talking about economic development and employment," which 
could mean jobs for nurses, doctors and even hotel and restaurant managers.

The veteran, Miller-based doctor said he hopes to dispel some myths 
about methadone, including some of its unwarranted bad reputations. 
Achieving that, and establishing the comprehensive center, could take 
years, he said.

"I will not live to see these projects completed," Holliday said, 
"but someone must plant the seeds today for tomorrow's crops."
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